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Do you use Homeaway? Make sure you hire a quality cleaning service

Homeaway is a website service that allows those with properties they wish to rent to list those properties so that travelers can find them. Homeaway and similar sites, like Airbnb and others, have caused quite a stir in recent years. Why all the interest? Homeaway and others are steering travelers away from traditional hotels and motels and into the homes of people around the world. The end result is that travelers save significantly on their hotel bills, while saving and enjoying a higher quality product.

In many cases, these short-term rentals provide travelers with an experience they simply couldn’t otherwise afford. For example, Homeaway has 625,000 listings worldwide and a wide range of luxury listings. Homeaway listings must meet 75 different individual criteria to be considered luxury listings. The bottom line is that those who opt for a luxury listing through Homeaway know they’re getting something special.

The hotel and motel industry has long enjoyed an institutional monopoly and has been essentially unchallenged since the industry’s inception. While there is competition between massive corporations and small players alike, there has been little interest in real innovation or quality control. You can have a wonderful experience at one hotel and then have a horrible experience at another hotel owned by the same company.

A key aspect of using a site like Homeaway to generate income from your property is taking your own quality control steps. People desperately want an alternative to the established hotel industry, in part because of high prices and a lack of quality control.

What steps can you take to ensure quality control of your rental property? One of the most important steps is selecting a high-quality home cleaning service. A professional home cleaning service knows exactly what it takes to clean houses.

As a homeowner, you can’t help but develop habits regarding how you clean your home. In other words, what you think is “clean” someone else may not appreciate very much. A professional house cleaning service knows the goals of what would be considered a universal level of cleanliness.

If you want to ensure you get quality reviews and great word of mouth, then a house cleaning service is a smart move. Of course, there are other benefits too, like not having to clean your house yourself. Anyone who wants to get great reviews on their Homeaway rental property should put cleanliness at the top of the list. Opting for a home cleaning service is a great way to ensure that all Homeaway users are happy.


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