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Don’t Be An Eeyore Personality: Channel Your Winnie-The-Pooh And Tigger Sides

When something doesn’t go the way you want, how do you react? Maybe you are the type of person who exhibits a Eeyore personality. You remember Eeyore right? It’s the old-looking gray donkey from AA Milne’s. winnie the pooh book. Eeyore was very pessimistic, melancholic, and extremely depressed. She didn’t have a winning attitude and she always thought, like Little chicken, the sky was falling. So where do you fit in this scenario? Maybe you’re more of a Winnie-the-Pooh or Tigger personality.

In the business world, you have to combine the best of all three worlds: take bits of Eeyore, Winnie-the-Pooh and Tigger. Which means you have to be a realistic like Eeyore, a dreamlike pooh and a energetic like a tiger All these aspects are necessary to be sure that you will make the right decisions in your business. If you don’t have a positive outlook and are the type of person who is always “down”, then you will have a greater tendency to bring others down with you.

You need to be realistic and know where your limits are and how to take the necessary steps to circumvent those limits, if necessary. However, you shouldn’t assume too much of this personality type because depression is a big part of it and you I can not allow doubt and depression to govern your business acumen. You will never find success that way.

You must bring the dreams and visions of the Pooh personality to your business sense. Dreaming is what will ignite the desire to get ahead in the business world. If you don’t have the dream to succeed, then you won’t have the drive to keep you going when the going gets tough. There will be many obstacles standing in your way and if you don’t have the determination to get ahead when those obstacles appear, success will not be easy.

Combining Eeyore’s reality and Pooh’s dreams with Tigger’s energy will take your business acumen to the next level. You must have the energy and perseverance to perform all the daily tasks and jump through each hoop you need to pass in order to reach the end of the race and win. Without the necessary energy, you will fail when the going gets tough.

So, regarding his business acumen, what personality does he have? Or are you a combination of one or two or all three?


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