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Download Filmora 9.2 For Mac & Windows Users

For those who do not know, Filmora is a free video editor. This new version is enhanced and has many features that can greatly help in the editing process. First off, let us talk about the feature that most computer users know of, the video screen capture. This feature allows users to see what their project will look like before saving or editing it. In addition to this, the free version also allows users to import videos into the program.

The feature that caught my attention was the built-in 4k videos capability. Since everyone nowadays prefers to have high resolution videos, having a large file size is not necessary. With the software running on a Windows Server, I was able to import all of my videos directly into the software. The installation was quick and easy, since I just had to follow the simple directions. I installed flora on a test machine first to make sure that it would work with my current operating system.

DOWNLOAD Download Filmora 9.2 MAC

Once installed, I was able to quickly get to work and start editing my new video clips. The built-in video editing software worked flawlessly on the new footage I imported. The video editing software worked very well and added a lot of value to my projects. I was very impressed with how quickly the downloaded flora 9.2 was. It took me just seconds to import all of my files from my hard drive into the software.

If you are considering downloading this latest version of flora, there are a few things you should know in order to make your transition smooth. The good thing is that there are no ads to interrupt your work. I especially like the excellent video effects and color correction tools because everything looks so professional when comparing it to my older versions.

The only minor annoyance was that the icons for the video effects were a bit small. However, they were easy to see and used the smoothest of transitions. For example, when the hands move across the screen from left to right there are some video effects that look almost life-like. On the other hand, when the hands move to the right, the transition is seamless.

DOWNLOAD Download Filmora 9.2 WINDOWS

Overall, this is a great program for professional video editors. It comes with everything you need to edit your videos like the ones I showed you in this article. The biggest issue you may have with it is that it is not yet supported on the new 4k monitors available for the Apple devices (i.e., the MacBook and the Retina MacBook Pro). For those of us who use these types of devices, the addition of this program onto our systems would be an absolute must.


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