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Dr. Carey A Reams – A Biography

Carey A. Reams (1903-1985) was a man ahead of his time. Trained in mathematics, biophysics, and biochemistry, he made many discoveries in the fields of human health, plant growth, energy, animal health, and soil restoration. These findings were later codified into an overview of life and energy known as Reams’ Biological Theory of Ionization (RBTI). Reams summed up his beliefs by saying:

“God is the basis of life, life is the basis of energy, energy is the basis of matter.”

For more than five decades, Reams worked as a consultant, researcher, and speaker. A significant milestone in Reams’ life occurred in 1931. Due to a “friend in need”, Reams spent 3 days fasting and praying trying to figure out how to help this friend. During this period of prayer and fasting, Reams received a divine revelation of numbers for humans in perfect health. Reams firmly believed that if you know what is perfect, then you know how to get there. You can change an imperfect chemistry to perfect just because you now know what is perfect.

Fundamental to Reams’ life and success as a scientist was his faith in God. As a disciple of Jesus, he sought to live his life according to the biblical standard. Everything he taught about the health of the people of the world had its foundation in the Bible. Dr. Reams only taught the Biblical Health Message, clean the Temple, eat only the right foods, have a good attitude, remineralize your body, exercise; and you could be healthy.

As a mathematical genius, Reams was very familiar with Einstein’s energy equation and understood its meaning. During his many years of friendship with Albert Einstein, he once chided him saying “you know how to take matter apart, but you don’t know how to put it back together.” Einstein immediately responded that figuring out how to do that was Reams’ job. And that is exactly what Dr. Reams did.

According to Reams, “Ionization is God’s laws that bind things together and pull them apart ion by ion.” Biological ionization is the study of how energy is converted to matter and matter is continuously converted to energy. According to Reams, RBTI offers a way to measure energy in elements, compounds, and biological systems, including humans. Loss of energy in all life is the beginning of disease. This loss of energy is what is considered the difference between perfect health and your personal urine/saliva test results. Each person has a different energy loss, no two are the same. Therefore, the way to achieve perfect health is different for each person.

Ream’s contribution to human health was as significant as his contribution to agriculture. Reams taught that the functional basis of nature is electromagnetic forces and that the chemistry of nature is secondary to electromagnetism. Reams applied this concept to plant growth. He argued that plants grow through the process of ionization, similar to an electroplating machine, just like all other life forms. Reams approached soil fertilization from an electromagnetic perspective by balancing the positive and negative charges of the soil and the atmosphere surrounding the plant.

It should be common sense that if the soil does NOT contain the necessary nutrients to be “healthy”, then what is grown in the soil will not either. That’s why it’s so vital to consume food grown in healthy, nutritionally balanced soil. The more high-quality, high-Brix foods you eat, Carey Reams finds, the fewer supplements you’ll need to be healthy.

When Dr. Reams died, he left the legacy of his discovery to the students of the world. Anyone can learn this method of urine and saliva analysis to find out what is wrong so you can compare it to perfection and move your health towards perfect health.


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