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E-Tutorial – A Learning Makeover

E-tutorial, a term formulated to define the new age learning technique, has taken the world by storm. Giving contemporary education has a sharp connotation, e-tutorial has become a global phenomenon in that it is helping to impart a multifaceted perspective to modern learning.

Why e-tutorial?

Since learning becomes quite personalized and convenient in nature, e-tutorials or online learning has become a booming industry all over the world that boosts both career and study. The easy-to-install technology and simple process expand the role of this learning medium, obviously seen as a breakthrough innovation vital to the liberation of knowledge. The medium offers instant solutions to imperative issues such as:

* To acquire an important additional advantage to excel in schools and universities

* Faced with increasing competition

* To acquire higher scores

* To avoid traveling to training classes

* To clear up doubts about a specific topic by an expert

* Obtain conceptual clarity according to the convenience of each one

Furthermore, e-tutorial has become a favorite among students nowadays, especially due to its uniquely designed study materials often used by experts. E-learning portals exclusively offer practice papers and board papers based broadly on the NCERT syllabus, so that’s reason enough to go for them. This often includes:

* Practice Paper for CBSE

* Practice paper for ICSE

* Solved paper model for CBSE

* Resolved Model Document for ICSE

Outstanding features that accentuate the puzzle of E-tutorial

The magnetism of the electronic tutorial has charmed all the netizens with its fast exam preparation quality. E-learning website portals help deliver high-quality, one-on-one training right to the learner’s home, no matter where they are or when they need it.

This particular advancement in the technology of the web world has actually become a blessing in disguise for millions of students now looking for personalized learning of this amazing educational medium. The various advantageous features, however, boast of the following:

* E-tutorial offers LIVE, online training, homework help and focused exam preparation

* Provide services incorporating the best tutors

* Reaches students regardless of geographic location

* Students take advantage of online tuition from the comfort and safety of their homes

* Promises higher grades and demonstrably better academic performance

* Comparatively less stressful for both student and parent

Proven as a convenient and affordable tool for both career and study, the student is fortunate to have a personalized learning experience and one-on-one interaction with a tutor. Using audio and shared whiteboard technology, online training is provided that further emphasizes the role of the electronic tutorial in the contemporary world. The tutorials are designed taking into account the individual abilities of each student, which are subsequently evaluated. Automated feedback and quality processes also ensure that the student quickly achieves the set goal.

Virtual learning has become a reality that cannot be ruled out. No matter what, rain or shine, a student never loses contact with their online school, which efficiently saves their valuable time, money and energy. Becoming a rapidly growing option for parents and students alike, the electronic tutorial is here to stay for a long time.


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