
The inventions you need.


Easy money online? It’s all in the system!

Sure, it would be great to just push a button and start making money online. After all, isn’t that what some Internet marketing “gurus” have been promising? All those sly sales letters trying to convince you that by simply buying your eBook or DVD set, you’ll wake up tomorrow and your only problem will be deciding how to spend all the money coming into your PayPal account.

Well, I hate to spoil the fantasy, but it’s not that easy.

Sure, once you’ve set up a system, you can sit back and enjoy the feeling of having cash in your account 24/7 as you sit back with your cup of coffee and a smile. But first you need a system!

The secret of infopreneurs

See, that’s the secret of all the successful internet marketers and infopreneurs you see online. They have built a system. Not just a product here or there, a little extra AdSense, some affiliate promotions, but a whole integrated system that works automatically to generate income, day and night.

This is how those “lucky” characters spend their weekdays playing golf, or taking the family to Disneyland, or just lounging by the pool. You see these “lucky” infopreneurs living in Provence and spending carefree days in cafes, or relaxing in a beach bungalow in Thailand and snorkeling in lagoons.

But wait! It’s not because they are lucky, luck has nothing to do with it.

Those successful sellers you see online put a lot of time and effort into building their system. And now they’re reaping the rewards. It didn’t happen overnight!

Get a system running

First, you need to plan your system well. What products will you sell? What market? How will your system process the traffic for maximum benefit? What tools will you need to run this system?

So, you need to roll up your sleeves. You have to put the system together in such a way that everything works in harmony and generates the most money for you. And, if you want to enjoy the true freedom that infopreneurs can have, you must build your system to be completely automatic.

Is it too much work? Ask anyone who has built a good system. Your response will be a resounding “No, it’s not!” By now, your system is running low, pouring cash into your bank account.

So, take the time to build a solid online system, and you’ll soon be living the Internet dream yourself. Living the “Riley Life”.


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