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Eat Your Way Out of Sinus Infection Symptoms: A Simple 5-Day Detox Plan

Do you send your car in for maintenance after a while so that when it leaves the auto shop you’ll hear the vroom sound again?

If so, just think about this. Your car is not moving 24 hours a day, you turn off the engine and let it rest. However, humans do not rest, our heart has to keep pumping every second and all other vital organs have to perform their specific functions, so how do we allow them to take their well-deserved rest besides sleeping? Yes, we need to detox – time to start fresh, as we know that too many accumulated toxins can aggravate sinus infection symptoms, or sometimes you feel down or need to lose a few pounds for that beach party.

Here is a 5 day detox plan that is safe and natural and especially for sinus sufferers as this diet has foods to avoid and take when you have an allergy.

If you haven’t been exercising, try walking briskly for about 15-30 minutes, take a deep breath, relax, and this simple breathing exercise can instantly soothe your sinuses.

Day 1-3

  • Eat a diet of fresh fruits and green vegetables only. The sources listed below are excellent for sinus infection symptoms.
  • Fruit Sources:

  • Papaya – Vitamin C for its antihistamine effect.
  • Apples – An apple a day keeps the doctor or even the dentist away, but it still rings true as it contains pectin and removes any buildup of spoilage from food.
  • Pineapples: has bromelain enzyme, purifies the stomach and kills offending bacteria and sinusitis is caused by bacteria growing on the head.
  • Grapes, berries – cleans mucus.
  • Vegetable Sources:-
  • Carrots, spinach (converted to vitamin A known to boost the immune system to fight sinusitis), broccoli (vitamin E), green bell peppers, parsley, eggplant (flavonoids), kale, asparagus, yellow corn, sweet potato.
  • Drink water, 5 or more glasses a day to flush out toxins. No alcohol, coffee, tea, milk, sugar or salt and no smoking.

Day 4

  • Prepare a green salad with parsley as it contains zinc which helps to resist sinus symptoms and also ensure good bladder health, watercress to help the liver neutralize harmful pollutants invading your body, grated beetroot for production of red blood cells.
  • Sprinkle on some raw onions or garlic (if you can’t stand the taste, roast them lightly) as they are antiviral and also make mucus less sticky.

Ahh, now you can enjoy a cup of dandelion coffee, to stimulate the flow of bile.

Day 5 onwards (if you want to continue)

  • Prepare your favorite breakfast: whole wheat bread and butter, a little honey and a cup of coffee with dandelions if you wish. Have a salad on top to which you can add some unsalted nuts – almonds, hazelnuts or walnuts, sunflower seeds as they contain vitamin E and are high in antioxidants. You can also add oats, rye or barley.
  • Main meal: eat cooked vegetables (asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, spinach, peppers, carrots) and oily fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel or any type of fish) as they have vitamin C, E and beta-carotene. , known for its curative benefit and prevention of sinus infection diseases and symptoms.

Detox once every 3 months and you will feel your body restored and rejuvenated in mind and spirit.

Detox or not detox, you should always remember to eat your fruits and vegetables.

If you feel that you cannot go through the 5 day detox plan, you can look for alternatives that can be just as natural, healthy, effective, easy and convenient as natural supplements.


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