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Effective Ways to Teach Your Child Responsibility

Responsibility. As a parent, career person, and partner, it seems your plate is so full that it has become second nature to you! However, have you stopped to consider that when it comes to your child, he or she doesn’t learn about it, your son or daughter has to learn it?

If you have young children, it can be hard to imagine them handling responsibility as tweens, teens, and adults; however, this is exactly the age when you need to instill such values ​​so that responsibility does not become a dirty word; rather it will become an instinctive behavior for life! So what are some of the best ways to teach your child the importance of responsibility? Read on to find out!

First of all, it is important for your child to know that by being responsible with chores, homework, etc., they are actually helping the family as a whole. Children love to be part of a group or unit, and if you emphasize how important your son or daughter’s homework is, even if it’s just helping them dry the dishes or pick up dirty clothes from the bedroom floor, your child will see the big picture of what responsibility is about: other people depending on him or her to perform a task in a certain way. Involve your child in daily household activities that are appropriate for her age to highlight this point; for example, ask an older child to wash her car or ask your toddler to help you pick up any toys that are lying around. Be sure to congratulate your child on a job well done!

Another effective way to teach your child responsibility is to create a chore chart. This is very similar to the charts used in schools, where teachers place gold stars next to a student’s name for a correct answer or an excellent grade; however, this chart should detail each child’s homework and when it should be completed. Have incentives for when your child completes a task; For example, instead of gold stars, you can create a chart around a point system, where a certain number of points will earn your child rewards like a small toy, a trip to the movies, or a favorite movie. This positive reinforcement will soon teach your child to see responsible behavior as second nature!

If you have older children, another great way to teach them responsibility is to get them a credit card. Mind you, you don’t have to get one with a $1,000 limit! Instead, choose a student card with a very low limit, such as $250 – $500. Remind your child that the card is for emergency purchases only and can only be used if your child has enough money to pay for it before school. invoice due date. Remember, this method should only be used with teenagers; however, it does prepare your child for financial responsibility, which is crucial to learn in their early years. For younger children, an allowance is often a good way to teach financial responsibility.

Essentially, teaching your children responsibility boils down to making them feel like their contribution matters in the home, and it does! So the next time your child completes a task or takes charge of himself, give him praise; Not only will they learn all about responsibility, but they’ll feel so good about themselves that they’ll want to help out around the house all the time!


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