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Energizing the Root Chakra for a Deeper Reiki Experience

The science of yoga includes a wide range of exercises in addition to the Pranayama and Kundalini techniques that you may have heard of. This article begins a series offering a chakra-by-chakra routine for holistic development. These techniques have been developed from the philosophies and methodologies of various approaches, including Vipassana, Pranayama, Kundalini, and Taiji meditation.

Root chakra exercise

Your root chakra is at the base of your spine. This chakra can be exercised using a bandha, which refers to the blocking of a chakra. Blocking the chakras helps contain the flow of energy and increases its potential to channel Reiki. Be careful to practice these techniques gradually, never pushing yourself beyond your limits. Seek the advice of a trained yoga teacher for further guidance and a more specific explanation of the muscles involved.

Use mule bandha, sit in the lotus position and place one of your heels on the perineum, the space between the anus and the genitals. Mula bandha is a contraction of the muscles of the perineum. Pull up on the perineum as if you are stopping the flow of urination. This movement blocks your root chakra and prevents energy from flowing back to earth. As you pull on the muscles, imagine that you draw energy from the root chakra and send it to the crown of your head.

Mula bandha targets the contraction of the muscles of the perineum that control urination. It is easy to confuse mula bandha with a closely related technique called aswini mudra. Aswini mudra focuses on contracting the anal muscles, an exercise that is helpful in treating hemorrhoids. To distinguish the two muscles, sit with your heel on the perineum and alternate contractions between the anus and the perineum. Once you have correctly distinguished the perineum muscle, practice contracting it for one minute at a time. Then relax for a moment and contract it again. Continue practicing mula bandha for 5 to 10 minutes.

During your practice, keep your eyes closed and be aware of your breathing. Observe the flow of energy as you practice. If you proceed to become a Reiki master, this bandha will serve you well when performing Reiki initiations. Mula bandha is also used in the microcosmic orbit of Taiji, and will be explained in a future article.

You can practice mula bandha on its own, during self-healing Reiki sessions, as part of your yoga practice, or as part of your meditation practice.


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