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Everyday Foods Your Pet Should Avoid

Believe it or not, some of the foods in your house that seem perfectly harmless can create medical problems for your pet. Simple things like baking soda and baking powder, which you probably wouldn’t consider your pet ingesting, can be potentially fatal to your pet, you become curious and decide to give it a try. Here’s a look at some common foods in everyone’s kitchen and pantry that can cause serious health problems for your pet.

baking powder and baking soda

Baking powder and baking soda are common ingredients found in many people’s kitchen cabinets. This is because they are both leaving agents that help produce a gas to make the dough rise. While this is a desirable reaction in baked goods, the same is not true when inside your pet. Baking soda, which is just baking soda, can cause some major problems for your pet. . The same goes for baking powder, which is usually made from calcium hydrogen phosphate, tartar, and/or sodium aluminum sulfate. If your pet eats either of these two baking ingredients, they may experience any of the following:

o Abnormal electrolytes (characterized by low potassium, high sodium, and/or low calcium)
or muscle spasms
or congestive heart failure

onions and garlic

While onions and garlic may provide some health benefits for humans, the same is not true for dogs and cats. This is because they lack the enzyme needed to properly digest these foods. As a result, eating onions or garlic can lead to the following negative side effects:

or Flatulence
or vomiting
or gastrointestinal problems

If your pet eats large amounts of onions and/or garlic, or if these foods are included as a regular part of their diet, it can cause your pet’s red blood cells to weaken, which can lead to severe anemia and even death if not it is about.

It’s important to note that onions in all forms are dangerous to your pet, including those that are cooked, powdered, and dehydrated. Also, it’s important to note that onion powder is often added to baby food for flavor, so feeding baby food to your pet is potentially harmful.

yeast dough

Yeast dough will rise in the stomach if eaten, just as it would rise if allowed to rest before baking. When it rises in the stomach, it also ferments and produces alcohol. Therefore, there are two potential dangers associated with the consumption of yeast dough. The first is the fact that the mass can grow several times larger than it was when ingested, which will expand your pet’s stomach. The other is the resulting alcohol, which can lead to alcohol toxicity in your pet. Signs of alcohol toxicity include:

or abdominal discomfort
or swelling
or depression
or lethargy
or vomiting

If you notice any of these symptoms in your pet, it is essential to seek treatment from a veterinarian as soon as possible.


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