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Health Fitness

Foods that can literally make you happy

Most people would agree that food makes them happy, but did you know there’s real science behind it? Some foods can really lift your mood, and I want to share some of them with you. It’s important to note that our gut is our second brain, so when we take care of it with a healthy diet, we’ll feel much better overall. It is estimated that 90% of our serotonin production is in our digestive system so we are going to feel happy.

Here are some of my favorite mood-boosting foods…

dark chocolate. You may have felt that chocolate made you happy, but now it has also been scientifically proven. Eating dark chocolate every day has been shown to reduce levels of stress hormones and therefore make you happy. This isn’t a free pass to eat endless amounts of chocolate, but a small portion won’t hurt; in fact, it might help!

Fruits and vegetables. All the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that come from a lifestyle full of vegetables and fruits allow you to release neurotransmitters that make you happy. So incorporating this rainbow of foods into your life is great for your mood and health.

fatty fish. Omega 3s from fatty fish like wild salmon and tuna provide your body with the nutrients it needs to feel less stressed, much more relaxed and happy. Another benefit of omega 3 is its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. If it helps reduce pain, that’s an added bonus for improving your mood.

Saffron. Have you heard of saffron before? Saffron is a spice from India. Research conducted showed that just a little bit of saffron a day makes serotonin more available to the brain. Saffron has also been shown to help relieve PMS symptoms.

In addition to eating mood-enhancing foods, you can also make an effort to exercise regularly for more mood-enhancing benefits. The endorphins that are released during exercise have a powerful effect that can last throughout the day and set you up for success. Another great practice to improve your mood is to keep a daily gratitude journal. Every day write down at least 3 things you are grateful for and really think deeply about them. When we are in a state of gratitude, our perspective and mood are completely transformed.

Enjoy your food, make healthy choices and you will be happy!

If you are experiencing problems with your mood, seek medical attention from a licensed medical professional. These tips should not replace medical assistance.


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