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Formation of Organizations

Organizations start with goals. People form groups or organizations with a purpose. This training can take place because an individual, an entrepreneur, has a vision of a new product or service to bring to market and recruits others to help them achieve that goal. Or the organization may be based on the congruence of desires or interests of a number of individuals coming together to achieve its goal. Whatever the stimulus, the core of the organization is its goal.

Organizations are simply social inventions to accomplish tasks or goals. Everyone is familiar with organizations because we have lived in them since the day we were born. Common examples are families, schools, churches, and clubs. People create organizations because they realize that they can extend their own abilities by working with others toward common goals. Once people come together in groups, the tasks must be differentiated and the work divided. Specialization and division of labor have two benefits; it allows the optimal use of the capacities of the members of the group, thus taking advantage of their strengths; and avoid redundant work by clearly delineating who does what. The resulting structure, however, requires coordination of efforts. It also becomes clear that results are more likely to be achieved if someone is in charge of keeping the group moving toward its goal. Then the essence of management is born. Today’s most complex organizations reflect these essential components.

The primacy of goals for organizations is clear; We hear them wife goals every day. Professional football teams strive to win the Super Bowl and baseball teams the World Series. A political party in power aims to stay there, while the minority party aims to claim power for itself. NASA met its goal of putting an American astronaut on the moon, and Lee Iacocca achieved his goal of turning the Chrysler Corporation around.

Goals are the state of affairs desired by a person or an organization; They are wishes that people and organizations have about where or what they want to be at some future time. Goals have traditionally been closely linked to organizational effectiveness; The degree to which an organization achieves its objectives is, in the opinion of many analysts, a measure of its effectiveness.

Goals have four general functions:

1. They provide direction to the activities of individuals and groups;

2. They shape how organizations plan and organize their activities;

3. They are used to motivate people to perform at high levels;

4. They form the basis for evaluating and controlling organizational activities.

It is precisely because of its multiple uses, and the different activities to which they lead, that the issue of goals is one of the most complex and controversial issues in management. Given the variety of uses for goals, consensus on an organization’s goal is very important to that organization. But such a consensus rarely exists. This lack of agreement constitutes only one of the problems involved in addressing organizational goals. Some of the shortcomings of the goal approach have led researchers to alternative approaches to the study of organizations.

Source: http://en.articlesgratuits.com/formation-of-organizations-id1446.php


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