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Golden Retriever Puppy Training – Train your puppy to be the best

Dogs, just like humans, should receive the best possible care. If you want your pet to grow strong, healthy and robust, you must be the responsible owner that is required of you. If you decide to adopt a Golden Retriever, the same rule applies and is the same for all dogs. Training should begin when the retriever is young. This is why you need to know the basics of Golden Retriever puppy training.

When a retriever is in his puppy years, this is the time when his ability to learn is very absorbing. This is a good time for you to create routines that will help you train your puppy as he matures.

The sooner the better
Golden Retriever puppy training should begin as soon as you bring your puppy home. The basic rule is: “The sooner the better.” You need to make sure he knows where his food and water are, where the bathroom is, and where his sleeping area is. Teach your day the right time to sleep in a day.

It’s about chewing
Dogs naturally love to chew. They will browse anything and chew on everything on the site. That said, the recipe for addressing your pup’s chewing tendencies is to provide him with the right chew toys. You want to make sure that he doesn’t break the toy into pieces or eat it. If your puppy starts chewing on something he wasn’t meant to chew on, reprimand him. He may start by saying a firm “NO!” This will instill in them that what they did was wrong. Your dog may not make the first few times, so make sure you do it every time your dog makes the same mistake.

wear a leash
Using a dog leash is another aspect of Golden Retriever puppy training that you need to remember. Your leash training should start at home. Make sure your puppy gets used to being on a leash inside your home’s enclosures before taking him out in public. If you have a garden, that’s a great place to start.

Golden Retriever puppy training is not going to be an easy thing to do. It requires patience and a lot of perseverance. They can be some of the most intellectually best dogs out there, but as puppies, they can also be a real challenge for you. Patience really is the key!


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