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How to fire an employee

There will come a time when a manager must make the difficult decision to terminate an employee. These types of decisions are never easy, but they are necessary. However, they can be accomplished in a planned, formal, and logical way to maximize your control over the discussion. The decision to terminate an employee should normally be made in consultation with their manager and Human Resources. Of course, in a unionized environment, the employment contract and past practice must be taken into account before making the decision.

If you’re faced with this situation, here are some key points you’ll want to keep in mind:

1. Hold the meeting early Monday morning. Research has shown that this is the best day of the week to do this. This will give the employee the rest of the work week to psychologically adjust and begin actively preparing for the change. It is well documented that “Black Friday” layoffs have a negative impact on the individual and the organization.

2. When you bring the person into your office with the news, don’t fill the time with small talk. Don’t make jokes. It will feel fake to both you and the person later, so avoid it. You want to be direct, specific and supportive by getting down to business right away.

3. Tell the person directly, honestly, and factually that he/she is being fired and the reasons why. Resist the urge to debate the decision. Let the person know that the decision is final and has been endorsed by senior management.

4. Review termination procedures:

* Last effective business day.

* Layout of work in progress.

* Withdrawal of personal effects, expense books, etc.

5. Offer to help the employee think about their next steps in finding a new job.

* Allow the person to participate in decisions about how the news will be communicated elsewhere in the organization.

* Give the person a chance to discuss what will be said about him/her with prospective employers who call for references.

* Review options where the employee’s talents and skills can best be applied.

Firing an employee is the most difficult decision any manager can make. You will always want to consult with Human Resources and carefully plan how to effectively discuss this with the employee in accordance with the human resources practices in your organization. However, with preparation, sensitivity, and following a few key points, you can effectively manage this difficult process.


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