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How to Get Rid of Cold Sores Quickly and Efficiently

With winter weather right around the corner, it’s time to make sure you’re preparing for what lies ahead. Surely I mean snow tires, shovels and snowplows, right? While those are important things to keep in mind, I’m talking about a more common and embarrassing health problem called cold sores. These types of sores most commonly form in late fall and early spring due to the sudden and drastic changes in temperature during those time periods. They form in other ways as well, so I’d like to take some time here and discuss where they come from and how to get rid of cold sores fast. In my opinion, there are very few things more embarrassing than having a bout of pain right before the office Christmas party.

For starters, many of you have heard cold sores refer to herpes in the past. No, your friends weren’t kidding when they told you that, but there are two different types of herpes. The first type is known as HSV 1, which causes cold sores. The second type is known as HSV 2, which causes genital herpes, the STD everyone is talking about. Now that we hope you’re less nervous about getting “herpes,” let’s look at where they come from and some ways to quickly get rid of unsightly sores.

As I said before, many canker sores form in late fall and early spring due to the drastic change in temperature. To control this, I would recommend that you try to use a lip balm as often as possible, as well as practice good oral and body hygiene. The next big reason these types of sores form is from excess stress on the body. I won’t delve into the science of stress, but you probably know what you need to do to make sure you stay as stress-free as possible.

Another cause of cold sores comes from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Even during winter, these rays can bounce off the snow and aim at your face. The best defense is to use some form of sunscreen every time you’re outside and try to stay covered as much as possible. Also, these days they make sunscreen with lip balm, so maybe that’s something you want to consider. Lastly, cold sores most commonly form when your immune system is weak, and they are usually a sign of a larger illness looming. Protect yourself by again practicing good hygiene, getting at least 8 hours of sleep a night, and consuming a good amount of vitamin C every day.

The aforementioned causes and solutions for cold sores will suffice for most people. However, for those of you who prefer medication, there are some over-the-counter medications you can buy that have been shown to work quite well. Also, if you have a rare but serious cause of type 1 herpes, your doctor may prescribe type 2 herpes medication, which is slightly more powerful. If you follow the tips that I have presented here, you should be well armed with the knowledge of how to get rid of cold sores fast.


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