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Health Fitness

How to get slim thighs: 2 simple exercises to reduce the thickness of your thighs

If you are one of those who have thick and flabby thighs, buttocks and legs, here are some simple but most effective thigh slimming exercises that can not only help you get slim thighs but also a flat stomach and round butt.

How to get slim thighs

Most of you use home treadmills for walking or running. If you make a small adjustment to your posture while walking on your treadmill, it will make a big difference in reducing the girth of your thighs. All you need to do is slightly raise the incline level on your treadmill by 15 to 20 degrees. It will make you lean forward as you walk on the treadmill. Therefore, it is called an inclined gait. It’s like climbing a mountain where you have to lean forward as you go up.

The inclined walk puts a kind of pressure on the stomach, thighs, knees and legs. It burns the fat around these areas very fast. The reason for this is that your body is not used to walking on an incline, so you need to work harder to keep walking. Exercise therefore accelerates fat loss around these areas. It should be noted that while walking on a flat surface is good for maintaining weight, it is a fairly slow process.

Walk bent over for about 20-30 minutes daily and you will get slim and sexy thighs pretty fast. It will also reduce your abs and buttocks.

Does jumping rope slim the thighs?

What if you don’t have a treadmill at home or don’t have time to go to the gym? You can jump rope regularly for a few minutes. It is one of the cheapest and most effective exercises to slim down the thighs. It will shake and exercise all the muscles in your body, especially the thighs, legs and knees, and make them burn fat fast.

Apart from these two exercises, there are other effective exercises to reduce the overall size of the thighs and make them slim, elegant and sexy.


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