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How to reduce the cost of your health insurance: make sure you apply these tips

Health Insurance Cost: Want Lower Rates? If your answer is “Yes”, you should do everything in your power to find as many ways as there are to get cheaper rates. I have enough ideas to help the vast majority save over 50% on insurance…

1. When shopping for affordable health insurance, make sure you’re not swayed by the most affordable quote. What you should look for is not simply the lowest price, but the one that offers the best value for its price. You can get really cheap quotes that give you the quality you want if you shop right. But be prepared to pay a little more if you have to buy the coverage that’s right for you.

Take note of this because a number of cheap quotes are so low because they don’t offer much. In those cases, the cheapest is not the best, but what is best for you will be the best deal in the long run.

2. There are medicines that are from big brands. Medications that have such brand names are more expensive than equally effective medications with less brand recognition and thus increase your premium. But would you believe me if I told you that all generic drugs are required by law to contain exactly the same number of active agents as brand-name drugs? Inactive agents are the only differences between generic and brand name drugs.

The truth is, you only pay more when you use an established brand name drug and you do NOT get any additional value. However, take the time to ask a doctor you can really trust about this before settling for any medication.

3. Deciding to be more flexible in your choice of health care providers will help you get better quotes. The reason for this is that you may need to restrict yourself to doctors and hospitals in a particular network in order for you to enjoy certain cheap rates. And in such a case, you would be forced to switch to network health care providers and not to those that are of your choice.

It would be easier to receive cheaper rates if you can make this type of adjustment. But while you’re flexible, don’t joke around with your health for nothing.

4. Going to free clinics will help you lower your fee. You will reduce your premium directly or you will have to pay fewer and lower copays this way. You can get professional medical advice, blood pressure checks and other medical services at these free clinics. Some communities have these types of facilities and others may simply be part of a group’s social responsibility program.

5. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is an easy way to lower your premium. This just means that your insurer automatically withdraws your premiums from your account each month without sending you payment notices. This saves the insurance company in many ways, including eliminating the cost of mailing notices and the cost of processing checks. That is why this results in discounts.


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