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Digital Marketing

How to use video for marketing

The reality is that videos for marketing are very effective. The first thing that probably comes to mind when you think of marketing videos is demo videos or “how to” videos. This is because video is the easiest technology to use when you want to explain something to your target audience. It’s the closest thing to being there in person.

But you do need to understand how it all works together, who your audience is, what they want, what they need, and how your information solves their problems much better than your competitors. There are several ways you can use video for marketing.

video testimonials

The reason you may want to use a video testimonial is that you can put each testimonial in different marketing videos to help build trust with your audience. You can use a short video testimonial on a sales page, in paid ads, and on social media as a post and share.

Videos in sales letters

A video sales letter is a great way to show your audience what the benefits of a new product or service are. In this case, you don’t even need to show your face if you don’t want to, especially if you’re showing a demo in the sales letter. A video sales letter typically converts higher than a plain text sales page when you want to give something away or when you want to sell something.

Product Demonstration Videos

This is a great way to use video. You have probably seen product demos in TV commercials for many years. But, you want yours to be short and sweet without the hard-selling TV ads. Instead, make an elegant demo of your product, but keep it short. You don’t have to show everything, just the idea. You can create more detailed videos for buyers.

Videos of’ how to do

Develop an instructional video no longer than five minutes, as shorter videos tend to work better. You can always include an extended video for your clients. You want to give them enough information. Use this type of video when you want an easier way to explain things to your audience.

When trying to determine what type of video to create, consider your audience first and what your goals are second. When you do that, you’ll be much more likely to pick the right type of video for the job.


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