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Hydrogen Fuel Kits for Cars and Trucks: What You Need to Know

Myth #1

People who sell these hydrogen car conversion fuel kits mention that these hydrogen car conversion fuel kits burn water.


Hydrogen car conversion fuel kits don’t burn water, that’s not true. They use the power from the car battery to separate the water into hydrogen and oxygen elements and use the extra energy released to mix it with the fuel and the vehicle uses the released gas longer than the fuel itself.

Myth #2

Hydrogen car kits are not useful. They expend much more energy splitting water into its original elements than they do burning the resulting gas. It’s just simple physics.


Hydrogen gas is used as an additive that greatly improves the efficiency of the fuel burning process. The mix burns faster and less energy is dissipated as the heat is converted into clean energy.

Myth #3

If this hydrogen fuel conversion product works so well, why wasn’t it added all those years ago?


Car manufacturers streamline every process they have. Diesel engines, which are more efficient than standard engines, have been around longer than cars, but they only warrant a minor presence in the auto industry. These manufacturers are always weighing the benefits of an improved design against the cost of modifying an assembly line, guess what, the least cost argument always wins.

Myth #4

Costs for hydrogen fuel conversion kits must be sky-high


These systems were invented by others who were extremely passionate about making that important difference in the automotive world. They had very low budgets and access to only components off their shelves to make this product and design functional.

Myth #5

If these hydrogen car kits really are good, wouldn’t the government use them or support them in some way?


The government does not support such inventions, not because these hydrogen fuel conversion kits for cars don’t work, because there are no corporate interests or lobbyists trying to wage war against them in the background. The government is supporting ethanol fuel, which is not particularly effective (especially when it is in its corn form), but produces great monetary gains for the agribusiness establishment.

These are the non-adult facts. If you decide to try and install one of these amazing hydrogen fuel conversion kits for cars, trucks, motorcycles and more, and want to save 50-80% at gas stations, check out the three that beat the 5 myths.


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