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Hypnotic Mind Control – Get Everything You Want

“Hypnotic mind control” may sound like the practice of carnival comedians or pop psychotherapists, but rest assured, the technique is real and valid, and once you become a student, you take the first steps to change. his life.

There is nothing otherworldly in the process. It’s not like you’re performing a seance to bring back the dead or weaving spells that cast horrors on your enemies. Hypnotic mind control is a mental ability. It is a conscious process.

Like various forms of psychology, hypnotic mind control is designed to teach you the inner workings of the mind. It’s meant to show you how you can change other people’s mind map until it guides them in your direction.

How does it look? For one thing, it’s not like hypnotherapy, which involves a highly paid hypnotherapist hanging a pocket watch in front of a client’s eyes, or some similar technique. By contrast, hypnotic mind control seems like an everyday conversation.

The man chatting with the woman in the bar. The car salesman in the lot. The marketing manager running a high-pressure campaign. All of these may be using forms of hypnotic mind control, and there are no pocket watches or hypnotherapy certificates.

That being said, this practice can seem like a form of magic, especially when you begin to experience the benefits of having others behave the way you think they should. Instead of wishing that beautiful woman would have dinner with you, why not use hypnotic seduction to persuade her?

Instead of sitting at your desk waiting for that promotion, why not use hypnotic mind control to get your boss on your wavelength? Jealous of the guy who seems to “have it all” including a magnetic force field that draws people to him? Become that person.

Hypnotic mind control is a highly skilled technique based on the powers of persuasion. If you want to change the point of view, behavior, and attitude of others, you must do it more effectively than the dynamic man, the enthusiastic car salesman, or the high-pressure marketing manager.

Don’t let the terms “hypnotic” or “mind control” put you off. It is not an unethical practice of brainwashing. Remember: people unconsciously do it all the time. What can separate you from them is your ability to do it consciously and with a purpose. Your role as a hypnotic manipulator and master of mind control will appear to others as nothing more than charisma.

The great thing about becoming a student of hypnotic mind control techniques is that once you develop the skill, it only gets sharper. You will find yourself practicing it in everyday conversations and you will improve quickly.

It may not come naturally at first, but keep at it and you will find that soon you are manipulating the thoughts and actions of others. This can be for your benefit and that of those around you. If you find yourself in a tense or fearful situation with a group, why not be the one to make it comfortable and desirable?

In short: Get control of your personal and public situations. Use your hypnotic powers of persuasion and developed mind control tactics to become the leader of the psyche of others.

As with any form of hypnotism, hypnotic mind control is a way of breaking into someone’s subconscious. Once you get past the trust barrier and are able to move freely through your mind map, you can use carefully selected words, phrases, commands, and stories to steer them in the right direction.

They won’t even realize you’re doing it. They will simply think that they have found a connection with someone. You will be the one who understands them, the one who sympathizes. His mind will be free and you will have reign, an ability that can be used to benefit not only you, but those around you.

What about the best friend who can’t quit smoking? The teenager who refuses to play by the rules? They might get him fired on the spot if he comes at them with lectures and demands, but what if he comes at them with mind control abilities?

What if they never knew what you were doing, but suddenly realized they were on the right track? What if your mastery of these techniques turned the tide for everyone?

Hypnotic mind control can take a while to really master, but when you do, you’ll discover that convincing people to think your way makes life more enjoyable, not necessarily just for you, but for others as well.

Think of all the possibilities and the more you think about it, the more you will want to learn more about it.


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