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If time were a visible commodity, how would you spend it?

A two-hour commute to work is a reality for many UK workers, according to data suggesting that Britons are willing to travel longer and longer.

  • Figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that 3.7 million workers commute for two hours or more every day of the week.

  • London was ranked ninth from the bottom, with public transport in Big Smoke costing passengers 132 pounds a month on average.

  • Those who travel by car in London do not do much better, spending 74 hours stuck in traffic a year.

  • More Britons endure “marathon trips” than anyone else in Europe, research shows, with nearly two-fifths of workers in the West Midlands commuting for two hours or more each day.

  • Britain has the longest-commuted European city, but it’s not London … Moovit was one of the largest of its kind, showing that Birmingham workers spent an average of 94 minutes a day on trains and buses.

Why? Our knee-jerk reaction and probably the basis of everything is money. If we don’t have money, etc … And it’s true. We all need money to make ends meet, but have you ever wondered how much money you need to make that jump from time to money? It may even scare you to tackle the thought. So my next question is; Would you work closer to home for less money? My last question is; If money weren’t an obstacle, would you keep doing your job??

The data suggest that the vast majority spend their lives traveling to a job they don’t likeapproximately 87% are offline or actively disconnected at work). When it comes down to it, most have allowed money to be their master. At what cost? If you are looking for the top regrets of dying people, earning more money is not one of them, but working too much is.

So what is the solution?

I’d rather earn 1% of 100 people’s efforts than 100% of my own efforts. John D. Rockefeller

There is no shortage of solutions on business opportunity sites and nothing of value is easy. The solution rarely falls into our lap and it works out of the box. The learning curve for some is steeper than for others. Do your due diligence and don’t just ask if it works, ask Works for me?

However, the only caveat I would say is: DO NOT BUY A JOB!

In Robert Kiyosaki’s book Rich Dad Poor Dad explains the 4 ways people can earn money. Being employed or self-employed is having a job or being married to a job. While on the right side we have entrepreneurs and investors. These people do not need to be present to generate income (unlike a lawyer, doctor, painter, etc.). Make sure that whatever you decide to do has the ability to use your time.

What is the cost?

They say that entrepreneurs are people who work 80 hours a week to avoid working 40 hours a week. Clearly, ‘they’ have not experienced leverage – the more you do, the more you get as a direct consequence. I do about 20 hours a week because I love what I do and the compensation plan allows it. Cost can be measured by what you earn – you can never make up for lost time, but there is always a chance to earn more money.

Like money, time is a unit of measurement, a currency that you can spend. Like money, if you invest it wisely you make a profit and can accumulate it. The key is knowing how.


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