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Iron Man 2 – A Spiritual Interpretation


This movie is one of my favorite adult movies of 2010 because it’s fast, fun, exciting, and fun. It stars many talented and well-established actors, including Robert Downey, Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Gary Shandling, Scarlett Johansson, Mickey Rourke, Don Cheadle, Samuel L. Jackson, and Jon Favreau. It is definitely a must see.

As a sequel to the 2008 film Iron Man, directed by Jon Favreau, we learn that Tony Stark is the man behind Iron Man’s mask. The United States Senate Commission attempts to seize the secret technology behind Iron Man. that Tony invented. He evades the Senate, but we soon discover that not only is he being poisoned by the palladium in his arc reactor that is keeping him alive, but also that there is another Russian scientist who has invented a similar lawsuit and is hell-bent on taking revenge on Stark. family.

This lens focuses on specific quotes from the movie. Each quote is interpreted and explored for its deepest spiritual meaning. If you have already seen the movie, you will be amazed and entertained by the content of this lens. If you haven’t seen the movie, after reading this lens, you will have a spiritual perspective when you watch it! It’s fun!

“The world is experiencing the longest reign of peace in its history.”
Tony Stark makes this comment at his EXPO at the beginning of the movie
World peace is the dream of all who are called to greater spiritual awareness. Humanity is evolving in this direction, however, many days we hear or watch the news and remember the current planetary struggle. Instead of focusing on this lack, we are called to pray and visualize a harmonious planet that is healed, whole, and filled with love.

“It’s not about you or us. It’s about a legacy, what we choose to leave behind. We will leave a better future.”
Tony Stark to the public during the Stark EXPO
While our world currently lives with wars, famines, poverty, and crime, it is important to follow the path of spirituality and enlightenment. While we can manifest joy in our lives, we spread love for Mother Earth and her future inhabitants, our children, and our subsequent family tree.

“We live in a world full of threats, some that we may not always see.”
Senator Stern to the Public at the Commission with Tony Stark
Negative energies exist both in the physical dimension and in the invisible realms. The spiritually sensitive person understands the importance of protecting himself not only by healing past trauma, but also by focusing thoughts on positive results and experiences. The Universal Law of Attraction states that the similar attracts the similar, so fear attracts potentially harmful situations.

There are many methods to protect yourself from a psychic attack, such as calling protective power animals like the wolf, imagining a protective shield around you, or asking your angels and spirit guides for protection. This can be done at any time during the day and may be easier to remember first thing in the morning when you wake up.

“I have successfully privatized world peace. What more do you want?”
Tony Stark to the Senate committee
Just as our lives are constantly changing, the path and job requirements of the lightworker never end. Being flexible and creative is enjoying the many encounters we have in our life because we never end. One life leads to the next and we seize the opportunity to learn our unlearned lessons and progress toward spiritual evolution.

“The device that keeps you alive is also killing you.”
Jarvis, the computer, to Tony Stark
As spiritual beings, we manifest ourselves in a physical dimension and a human body so that we can progress on our journey towards enlightenment. While we are eternal, the body is not, and our ego finally meets its end when our Eternal Self is revealed and we travel home to the spiritual dimension.

“This exhibition is your ego going crazy.”
Pepper Potts to Tony Stark
The person who is governed by his ego has not yet entered his own true Divine Source. Rather, that person lives within the confines of their five senses and quite possibly suffers from illness, addiction, or unhappiness.

“If you can make God bleed, you can make people stop believing and the sharks will come.”
Ivan Vanko to Tony Stark
This statement is an example of the ego trying to put doubt in your mind. The ego acts like a prosecutor, sitting on your shoulder and whispering lies in your ear, saying things like “You are not lovable”, “You are an idiot” or “You are wrong”. The ego clouds the mind with falsehoods and it is the work of faith and grace to see past these lies.

“I want my bird. MY bird.”
Ivan Vanko to Justin Hammer when he was introduced to a strange bird
Every person on this planet has a Divine Being, regardless of the crimes they have committed. Everyone is capable of love and from a Divine perspective, even the mass murderer deserves to be loved. Many people who have experienced tragedies in their lives find comfort in the unconditional love that pets provide.

“You don’t have to do this alone.”
Colonel James Rhodes to Tony Stark
The ego wants to confuse us. He wants us to believe that we live this life, and that’s it. But the truth is that we are eternal beings, each connected to each other in a divine web of universal existence. We are not alone. Even now, as you read this lens, you are surrounded by your spirit guides and angels, providing you with love and support on your journey.

“I would do what I want, however I want to do it.”
Natalie Rushman to Tony when asked how he would spend his last birthday
When you are spiritually connected, you realize that each moment of each day must be treasured and lived to the fullest with enthusiasm. In a sense, it is as if you are living each day as if it is your last because you follow your inner guidance system with joy.

“Don’t get too attached to things. Learn to let yourself go.”
Justin Hammer to Ivan Vanko
Surrender is an important spiritual tenant. It allows you to progress on the path of your life instead of holding on to old hurts and sufferings.

“What is and will always be my greatest creation is you.”
Howard Stark to his son, Tony
The spiritual contract between family members is very powerful. When children are raised in an atmosphere of love, acceptance, and support, the bond grows stronger and solid for generations to come.

“I don’t like people giving me things.”
Tony Stark to a street vendor
As Louise L. Hay explains in her book, Heal Your Body AZ (see link below), there are mental causes for physical illness. The hands symbolize different ways of dealing with experiences, such as holding, grasping, releasing, or pinching. When one is struggling with this area, he can find healing when he chooses to handle life’s situations with peace and love.

“That was easy.”
Tony Stark for himself after creating a new item.
When we follow our intuition or instinct and do what we love to do in life, it flows and feels so easy!

“You deserve more.”
Tony Stark to Pepper Potts
Everyone deserves to be respected and cared for. Many times spiritual people want to help and end up forgetting about their own needs. We must remember to love and appreciate ourselves first so that we can be strong and capable of providing support, love, and assistance to others. This includes meditation, prayer, study, relaxation, dance, music, exercise, diet, and other special things you enjoy doing.


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