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Is there anything I can do to prevent losing my hearing?

Protect your hearing from excessive noise

The best thing you can do to safeguard your hearing is to reduce your exposure to unnecessarily loud sounds. Hearing loss caused by environmental noise pollution is known as noise-induced hearing loss or acquired hearing loss and is considered the second most important cause of hearing loss after aging. While many people take precautions when frequenting a shooting range, most of us don’t normally understand that even ordinary loud sounds can cause irreversible damage, for example, machine shops, dance clubs, rock shows, and even traffic. cars honking. , they can all have dangerously high sound levels. Great care should be taken and preferably use earplugs or hearing protectors. While listening to music at home, it is advisable to keep the volume low.

Solid lifestyle, solid hearing

A simple sign to determine if a person is headed for Hearing Loss is to ask you to repeat or raise your voice.

Sound becomes noise when it harmonizes our auditory framework. Many sounds in nature are noise in our advanced society, from time to time we are bombarded by noise of many kinds. Furthermore, our ears have not evolved to viably protect themselves from noise impacts.

These sounds become dangerous when the volume in decibels (dB) exceeds 85 dB, the level our ears can handle:

– Below 85 dB, there is little danger of hearing damage. This is usually the volume of a vacuum cleaner or someone who snores, for example.

– Above 85 dB, noise ends up doing damage – and the higher, the more damage it does. Sounds in a nightclub often reach almost 100 dB.

Why does it make a difference?

Exposure to loud sounds can cause permanent hearing trauma, hearing fatigue, tinnitus, or even a ruptured eardrum.

In addition to protecting the ears from harmful sounds, other good habits can also be adopted that also lead to general well-being in addition to protecting the ears. For example, heavy drinking can damage the part of your brain that is in charge of hearing, while at the same time smoking can also seriously damage the delicate hearing organs in the inner ear by limiting the blood supply to these delicate cells.

In addition, a healthy and healthy lifestyle prevents numerous health problems; other lifestyle-related diseases, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, can also have a negative effect on your hearing.

Treat your ability to hear as you treat the rest of your body.

You visit the dentist twice a year and have your eyes checked at regular intervals, but when was the last time you had your hearing tested? Hearing loss is not like a toothache or bad eyesight, hearing loss comes very slowly and is usually the other person who notices it and not the affected person. The affected person feels that the speaker is speaking softly. However, untreated hearing loss can have serious and far-reaching effects on our personal, social, and physical well-being.

Since you are constant with checkups for the rest of your body, make sure your hearing is also tested at regular intervals. The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association suggests that adults should be screened for hearing loss once every decade consistently through age 50 and at three-year intervals thereafter. If a hearing loss is detected, make an appointment with a hearing care professional right away. They can confirm if your hearing impairment is temporary and can be restored by medical treatment or the beginning of a permanent loss. Don’t be ashamed of your Hearing Loss, 1 in 3 people over the age of 60 suffer from Hearing Loss.


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