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Learn how to order and review pay-per-view events with DISH

Learn how to order and watch pay-per-view channels with DISH. We will explore how to order and review these many types of events. Knowing how this process works can save you time and money when ordering an event.

To request Pay-Per-View programs, the receiver must be connected to an active phone or Internet connection. Once a program has been ordered, it can be viewed immediately on all receivers attached to the account. With the remote control, order the exact same program for each receiver, but only pay once for the program (the program must be on the same date, time and channel). However, program replays are separate events.

  1. Press GUIDE and select a Pay-Per-View program from the program GUIDE
  2. Select Order to order the program
  3. Select Yes to confirm that you want to request the program.

Note: Once an order has been placed for an event, the program cannot be canceled and the order will be added to the next statement. Events can alternatively be requested online or by phone through a service associate.

Pay-per-view order review

Use this feature to review the events you ordered, including those that were viewed and those that were purchased, but not yet viewed.

  1. Press MENU and select System Settings, then Purchase History
  2. The Purchase History screen will appear.
  3. Select Done


  • A VCR can be configured to record Pay-Per-View programs.
  • Prevent others from buying Pay-Per-View programs by using locks and limits
  • Tune in to channel 103 for a list of what is playing on Pay-Per-View.


How can I request an event for all my recipients on the account?

  • Order at each receiver, one at a time with the remote. Make sure there is an active phone line or Internet source connected to each receiver.
  • Press the DISH button on your remote control and follow the instructions
  • Order the event by phone
  • Order the event online

Will I be charged more than once for ordering the same pay per event on two or more receivers?

If you are using the remote control, you will not be charged more than once as long as it is the exact same event (for example, same time or all day events).

Why doesn’t my Program Guide show any of the pay-per-view channels?

You may be using a favorites list that does not include pay-per-view channels. Press GUIDE to open the Program Guide and then press GUIDE again until you see All Chan in the upper left corner of the Program Guide.


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