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LOA knowledgeable about legal issues?

Long before I became a lawyer, I was interested in spiritual pursuits. I have been a Christian for most of my life having grown up in an atheist household. My passion for all things spiritual led me to discover the Law of Attraction long before “the Secret” came to light.

The more I applied spiritual principles to my practice, the more I realized that clients had already manifested disasters when they came to me. LOA taught me the missing piece of “Intent”. I began to realize that my legal practice was like putting Band-Aids on cancer. He knew he had to get to clients long before they raised legal issues.

I started advising my clients preventively. When entering into a contract, what is your intention? The traditional role of the lawyer is that of “risk aversion.” How do you deliberately pretend risk aversion without causing a disaster? You know exactly what is going to happen: there will be a great loss!

Therefore, in my nontraditional legal practice, I would ask clients to focus clearly on the desired outcome of a real estate contract and to align their thoughts and behaviors with that intent. I always felt a control in my throat as I tried to mouth words that didn’t sound like the worst case scenario. My intuition at work! If I were addressing the worst case scenario, I would neutralize it with words like: “Of course this wouldn’t happen to you” or “on the minuscule chance that it does happen abc, what would be the alternative?”

On the other hand, I had a client who was so devoted to LOA that he didn’t want to write anything, didn’t like contracts, and felt that he could solve all problems with intention. Well, I’m here to tell you that in the world of Law, we’re co-creating, so we have to intentionally navigate because there are other parties involved and we may not always be on the same page, creatively speaking.

The beauty of applying LOAs to your legal issues is that when you code LOAs on an upcoming legal issue, you focus on details you may never have considered. It is an opportunity to entertain new perspectives. The beauty of this process is creating clarity and focusing on what you want. The point here is that even the law is subject to the higher Law of Attraction. So what legal issues are you facing and how can you apply the law of attraction?

Are you entering into a legally binding contract? Here are some questions to get your energy flowing in the right direction. What do I want? In a year, what will this contract mean? How do I want to relate to this person? How will this relationship change over time? How do I want to deal with this person when the relationship has changed?

Here are more specific examples:

Real Estate Contract to buy a house:

First, before you go out looking for houses, be intent on finding the best house for you with all the physical attributes, price, condition of the house, age of the house, location, etc. Now is the time to focus your intention on the transaction itself, which is different from the house. First focus on how you want to feel throughout the transaction process. Then focus on all the parties involved: The seller, the bank, the real estate agents and the mortgagee. Then, when reviewing the contract, intend for the price to be perfect for your budget, intend for the property to appreciate at a nice rate, and intend for the resale of the home to be easy and timely. Intend to have a fun and easy vibrationally aligned relationship with each party to the transaction. Go through each paragraph of the contract and try what you want. For example, you may come to the termite clause and realize you don’t want termites, something you hadn’t considered. So have the intention that the house is free of termites and that the insects do not like your house. Be in for a bug-free home while you review that paragraph and sign the contract. Breathe as you review the contract and listen to your intuition.

It is important to bless the sellers so that they move with good energy towards the house and the transaction. It is important to have a clear intention about your move into the house and your family’s adjustment period to the house. What are you saying about the grocery stores and the neighborhood and the schools for the children? What about the neighbors?

This is how you can have a smooth LOA-style transaction.

As you can see, setting your intention actually involves you in every step of the process, deliberately paving the way for a successful outcome.

Divorce: How does LOA apply to a seemingly acrimonious divorce?

Okay, he cheated on you and you hate him to death and you’re trying to make sure you get enough money from him in the divorce to support the kids and keep up the house. You want me to pay for his sins! So when he talks to his lawyer, he’s smart enough to know that he doesn’t want to relive the whole experience by talking about it again. Then what do you do?

You first set up the conversation and inform your attorney that although you are in a much better place right now, you simply wish to report past events as they happened. Notice how loaded you are when he’s just reporting. Are you getting angry again? You’re crying? What is the look on your lawyer’s face as he tells you all this? This is where the law of allowing comes in. Yes, this is a bit difficult: allow him to be everything he wanted to be. It was his choice for himself.

You know, his behavior was a great blessing. He simply showed them that their vibrational alignment did not match and that they could not co-create harmoniously. That is a great blessing. It is best to co-create with a person with whom you are most aligned. Also, congratulations, you are growing by leaps and bounds and your vibration could no longer tolerate their vibration in the same space. That is really the reason why both of them are going their separate ways.

I find that most of the time people want revenge. We all seem to have a bit of that victim mentality that says, “Poor me, look what that crazy man did to me.” Well, what’s so wonderful about this if you feel that way? It means you are a survivor. Here’s the key equation here: Survivor + LOA Smart Person = “Thriver”. (Is there such a word?) Yes, you are a person who not only survives; you prosper and you do it gracefully. Yes, that’s you: you can come out of this divorce as a person with a strong prosperity vibration. What a bless! Just turn around and in your heart thank the guy for all the wonderful learning and how he helped you get rid of so much junk that all that’s left is this wonderful essence of you.

There’s nothing like an acrimonious divorce to help you find your true self if you handle it right!

Make sure that with each draft of the complaint, the response, the interrogations, your intention is clearly stated to become a better person at your core. A person who is great at her core will always have a clear vibration about money and taking care of his children. The ex is not the solution to your financial problems just because he messed with you and made you mad! What if he drops dead and there is no insurance? What are you going to do? Realize this, and realize this super quick as you go through the divorce: you have you. As long as you are aware and aware and focus on what your core self wants, you will be fine and wonderful. Remember it!

Sometimes when going through a divorce, women can easily be afraid of money if they rely on their partner as a support and provider. The prospect of divorce is terrifying, as you may see your partner as your source of money. Well, understand that this is not a divorce issue. Your fears are your money environment communicating that you may have given away your money power. Now that same money vibe is expressing a strong desire for realignment.

Contracts with suppliers:

Again, the goal here is to keep your intention on what you want. We often enter into contracts with others trying to make sure we don’t get stuck with the short end of the stick. Well, what happens when we focus on not wanting the short end of the stick? We get the short end of the stick. Also, make sure you vibrate in line with your core values. You want the long end of the stick and someone else gets the short end of the stick? Or do you want a win-win-win situation? You win, the supplier wins, and your relationship wins by becoming a long-term relationship? Ahhh! That has a good vibe.

Prenuptial agreement:

This is my absolute favourite. Rather than focus on what the disposition of the property will result if (when?) there is a divorce, ask your lawyer to include language that reflects what you want. His intention is to have a long and happy marriage. Use the word “intent” in the agreement and express yourself with luxury. Express your intention regarding dispute resolution – there is another legal term. Let’s transform that into the term “increase the harmony between us.” Put in the contract that you both agree to pursue as many options as possible to increase your marital harmony, such as training or therapy. It’s a great exercise to address all those issues you may not have thought of before.

Let your prenup become a living document that reflects your joint intention for the marriage as opposed to the failure of the marriage. Take it out on your anniversary every year and remember what you want now that you’ve spent more time together. You may find yourself revising the document or doing without it.

So do you get the picture now? Yes, enter into a contract, simply state your intent before doing so and LOA will deliver the goods. Is the law!

Please note that this article is intended to focus on how to bring the Law of Attraction to personal legal matters and is not to serve as legal advice. If you need legal help, contact an attorney who specializes in the specific area of ​​your need.


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