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Main problems of custom mobile applications

Q: Nobody wants bad apps. Application owners do not want to have a bad result from their projects. Users do not want to have bad apps on their devices. But what is hidden behind the broad meaning of the word “bad”? More importantly, how can software owners avoid creating and getting “bad” mobile software? Let’s start to find out. What is the definition of a ”bad” app?

A: A bad application is one that does not meet the needs of end users. That is the definition of a developer. Any software must have a direct purpose, a precise task that it performs. Any app should have one. Whether it is a social network, a game, or a tool for business processes or data transmission, each application has a defined audience of end users. Purpose and precise implementation are the main conditions for making an application good. So if the app lacks these and can’t perform its intended task, can’t meet the needs of the audience, it’s a bad app.

Q: Are there other quirks that make the software “bad”, unpopular and inconvenient?

A: Yes, I can say that a bad application is also one that does not fully satisfy the needs. For example, an application that works fine and does not have a proper user interface or is missing some functionality. This causes inconvenience to the users, who will most likely leave this app and try to find a better one. Support can also be named as a criterion; if users have questions about the app, they should receive feedback; and the software owner has to consider the reviews and improve the application. An application that is not properly supported becomes outdated and unpopular. Speed ​​and security are also very important. It is not allowed to leave a possibility of security breach and leaks of corporate data, emails, contacts or any personal information. A good application not only has to bring benefits, but also does not have to cause harm. Bad software is created without discussion of these issues between the software owner and the developers.

Q: What about any minor issues, bugs?

A: Problems like these are usually eliminated through quality control. Bugs can also cause end users to be dissatisfied, preventing them from using the app. That’s bad. But major bugs are usually revealed during the QA process, before implementation.

Q: What are the main problems an application may face after deployment?

A: Most post-deployment issues are related to device compatibility and platform versions. For example, Android has a bunch of devices, smartphones and tablets. If the app doesn’t use standard UI elements, for example, there may be issues on certain devices. That’s bad. But that can be solved with the precise list of devices on which the app should run; and through extensive testing on each device. BlackBerry often faces the same problem, but to a lesser extent. iOS is a winner here: developers need to consider the differences between iPhone and iPad; and platform versions: they check if the application works correctly in the previous versions. Or else, if the app is quite old, it should be tested on newer versions of the OS.

Other issues may include updates. For example, some change occurs in Facebook, some feature is added or some is removed. This may influence the application that has integrated Facebook sharing. This has to be tracked and updated if necessary. Then server maintenance. If the hosting becomes unsupported, an application crash occurs. This must also be tracked. As for minor problems, they are usually easy to eliminate. You really shouldn’t let your app go stale. Updates are vital for good apps.

Q: What are the main developer errors that result in such questionable output?

A: This may sound trivial, but good software developers are people inclined to creative work, somewhat like composers and poets. Custom software jobs are often very individual. No developer would knowingly put bugs in the app. The main mistakes are usually related to inattention. A lot here depends on the experience of the developer. On the one hand, an application must be made to be close to perfection. On the other hand, developers can and do make mistakes, you can’t predict and consider everything. There may be standard situations that are generally fully considered (what happens if the user presses this or that button, or all simultaneously, or how the application will work in the background). But there are always non-standard situations, such as a sudden interruption of the Internet connection or the server goes down for some reason. These could also be updates to the third-party software, which has links to the app. Or differences in screen resolutions, hardware capabilities of devices, like the aforementioned Android. Non-standard situations are difficult to predict. And as the best way out, here we return to quality assurance.

Q: So an app that hasn’t undergone proper quality control has every chance of being listed as bad?

A: Correct. Both developers and QA specialists give vital shape to the application. But while the developers build the app, the QA specialists must want to destroy it. Those are the opposite activities that work for the quality of the app. QA tests the capabilities of the application, finds its limits. The better the attempts to destroy the app, the more problems are found and removed.

For example, in addition to the developer teams, there is a QA department that performs testing for developer-created software as well as third-party software. Testing is a mandatory stage of software development. It is very convenient to test the software you create, since you know everything about it. It is also convenient for software owners, who do not have to test their application elsewhere.

Q: Finally, what is the advice for software owners on how to avoid getting bad software?

A: The more they know about the software they want to get, the better the result will be. Software owners must perform the entire application life cycle; they should be aware of potential issues and be ready to take steps to avoid or fix them with the help of good developers. And finding a good developer is a separate topic for discussion.

Other than that, there are some more tips for software owners:

– Be picky. But remember that good deeds are never created too quickly. Each iteration, each stage needs its time to be carried out. If there are strict time constraints for some reason, it’s better to reduce the number of features implemented, but implement them precisely. Haste makes waste.

– Do not reduce quality control to save cost. Quality control is the essential way to ensure that you’ll get the high-quality software you want.

– Think of and for your end user. Even if you need apps for internal use, when employees are required to use them, remember that your custom software works for your convenience first, and for your profit second. Be user-oriented while deciding on the details of the software, and then both convenience and profit will follow.

If you consider all the points mentioned above; If you are willing to invest time, resources and efforts in your software project, you will be the owner of good and profitable software.


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