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Manifesting your desires through the science of the mind

I’ve recently written about the power of the primal creative quantum sound frequency, or MindSound, “Ah.” Now I want to share an even more powerful MindSound for manifestation: Ara Kara.

Ara Kara is a very special quantum sound frequency. When we examine the syllables in this MindSound, we first notice that all the vowels are the same – “Ah”. Each consonant uses the power of the Quantum Sound Frequency “Ah” as its base. But now the sound has been augmented with certain other consonants. “Ah” is added to “Ra”, giving more fire and power to the sound. “Ra” is the sound of fire. It adds more energy and stimulation to the sound, speeding it up. The we have “Ka” added to “Ra”. Dr. Baskaran Pillai, who was the developer of the Ah Mind Process, tells us that “Ka” is the sound of the first principle of matter. It is a sound that speeds up the rush of thought into material existence. “Ra” is added to the “Ka” sound to give it more power and further speed up its manifestation effect.

The MindSound “Ara Kara” is one of the most powerful tools that we have been given for the manifestation of thought. This Quantum Sound Frequency will clear the mind of limiting concepts. It clarifies the very concept of limitation. Dr. Pillai has referred to this MindSound as a “destroyer of impossibilities”. He removes the concept of impossibility from our minds, allowing us to think outside the box we have been limiting our thinking to.

Through the execution of the Mental Process with “Ara Kara” we can enormously increase the speed of our manifestations. “Ara Kara” accelerates the vibration of the body-mind, raising it beyond the lower vibrations that have previously limited it. Provides more light and energy.

If you have any doubts about the power and the various patterns, patterns of both form and behavior, that create sounds. These patterns can be considered both in terms of external form and behavior. Your mind and the resulting form and behavior you exhibit to the world are a direct product of the sounds that make up your thoughts. The mind is just a bunch of sounds. Change the sounds that make up your thinking and you will change your world. Behaviors, moods, illness, health, intelligence or ignorance are the result of the quality of the sounds that are heard.

How can I learn to use these sounds as a mental process?

For the “Ah” sound, sit quietly in a comfortable upright position. You can close your eyes to focus better if it helps. You can make the sound silently or out loud. This sound is about the feeling and expression of joy and joyous creative energy, so enjoy your recitation of “Ah” instead of doing it mechanically.

To start, focus on the area around the center of your belly button. Feel the energy as you repeatedly say “Aaaaahhhhh.” Continue the sound as you slowly raise the energies from the navel center up to your pineal gland (third eye, the point between your two eyebrows). Let the sound enter your pineal gland as you feel the energies in your pineal gland. As she continues the song. Now bring a visual image of what you want to create into the pineal gland, while continuing with the sound. Then enjoy the emotional satisfaction of your manifestation and finish the sound.

For “Ara Kara”, simply repeat the sound. While all manifestations rely on joyful creative emotion for this thought process, you are not specifically trying to move your internal energy. To benefit from the Ara Kara thought process, you can focus on the sound and simply repeat it. Email me your results, I have seen fantastic results in myself and others. I’ll post them in a follow-up article.

Learn more about Ara Kara’s thought process and the manifestation of her wishes.


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