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Mauricio Evlampieff from Rocket Spanish is a good teacher

Anyone who has taken the Spanish Rocket knows Mauricio Evlampieff well. If he walked into a room full of people, most of the adults who spent so much time with Mauricio online would recognize him as their Spanish teacher. You would no doubt also recognize Amy Waterman, who is also a teacher of Rocket Spanish’s online lesson presentations. It’s so much easier to learn with Rocket Spanish because you’re listening to and watching two caring adults who want your learning experience to be fun and valuable.

Mauricio was born in Chile and Spanish is his mother tongue. His first word, when he was a baby, was undoubtedly spoken in Spanish, while his first word was probably spoken in English. Mauricio is loyal to his homeland and loves the culture and heritage of Chile. He loves and appreciates the beauty of the Spanish language.

One of the attractive aspects of the Rocket Spanish program in Mauritius is their enthusiasm and love for teaching. Mauricio has taught his native language to students in various parts of the world. It is hard to imagine a classroom of dissatisfied students under the loving guidance of Mauricio. The emails from him to students taking the Rocket Spanish course are uplifting. His compassionate concern is present in his messages offering support and encouragement to continue learning.

Mauricio Evlampieff is the designer and author of Rocket Spanish, an excellent learning program for adults. Anyone who wants to learn the Spanish language can learn to speak, read, write and think in Spanish using this program. Rocket Spanish includes an interactive audio course to teach conversational Spanish to adults. The course includes four e-books packed with grammar lessons, everyday words and phrases, and an ever-growing vocabulary. There are also exercises, flashcards, activities, and software games called MegaVocab and MegaAudio. Students can add to the vocabulary as they need words.

Adults who request the free lesson offer to test the program generally purchase the program because they learn a lot from the free lessons. In fact, in less than eight weeks many adults get hooked on learning Spanish because they learn much more than they thought they could learn. By accepting the free offer, they discover the enjoyment of the lessons and like the idea of ​​learning something new.

Adults who purchase Rocket Spanish have choices in selecting program materials. Rocket Spanish now offers the entire program formatted for your iPod or MP3 player and all you have to do is make your payment, check your email account for a link to the downloadable program. Another alternative is to download the program directly to your computer or have the program shipped to you.

Visit our website and you’ll be speaking Spanish in no time and you’ll love meeting Mauricio and Amy Waterman who teach the lessons with Mauricio.


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