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Health Fitness

Mini Stepper Workouts – Lose weight with a Mini Stepper

Some people are under the impression that mini step workouts are not that effective due to the small size of these step exercises.

It is true that when it comes to mini steppers there is a lot of junk out there. Cheaper models have low resistance levels, can be unstable, and are built with cheap, flimsy materials.

However, not all mini exercisers are built the same. If you’re prepared to spend $80.00-$100.00 on a mini stepper, you’ll get a compact exercise machine that’s very capable of giving you a challenging cardio workout and helping you burn plenty of calories for weight loss.

Although mini steppers have some disadvantages compared to full-size stepper machines and elliptical trainers, they also have advantages over them.

First, the small size of a mini step machine makes it easy to transport from room to room or take with you on your travels. It’s also much easier to store in a closet or under the bed.

The other big advantage is the price of the mini steppers. A good mini stepper can be purchased for under a hundred dollars, saving you hundreds of dollars over buying a full size stepper machine.

A mini step workout should be part of your exercise routine, and the best way to train on a mini exercise machine is to break up your workout throughout the day, rather than spending 20 or 30 minutes straight working out in one. In this way you will be burning calories regularly throughout the day.

You may think you don’t have time to do a series of cardio exercises throughout the day, but it’s a lot easier than you think. Let’s face it, for most people, doing any cardio work for a period of time can get very boring, which is why it’s best to break your workouts into smaller segments.

You can get some amazing results using your compact stepper by doing interval training. Interval training involves exercising at a fast pace for a short period of time. This really increases your metabolism so that you get rid of much more calories. It also saves time because you can get better results than you would by doing regular prolonged cardio.

There are several ways to perform interval training on a miniature stepper, and the best approach, which has been really helpful for many people, is to do the exercises while watching TV.

Just watch your show like you normally would, and when there’s a commercial break, hop on your machine and work out as fast as you can during the break. Most breaks are around 5 minutes long, so you’re doing a quick 5 minute workout. If you do this for 4 breaks, you will get a 20 minute workout that will be much more effective than a workout done at a regular pace for the same amount of time.

If you can do this for 2 programs, you are potentially giving yourself around a 40 minute workout, without the boredom associated with regular cardio workouts.

This is a very effective way to exercise without the fear of having to mentalize yourself to exercise. Ding step-by-step mini workouts this way is more fun, less boring, and can give you great results.


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