
The inventions you need.


Molla Aria Rimorchio BPW and Soffione Rimorchio ROR

The BPW trailer’s air chamber (diapress, torpress or diaphragm), together with the shock absorbers, constitutes the main air suspension. They allow the vehicle to reach the highest level of performance in terms of driving safety and beyond total comfort.

The BPW Pneumatic Spring for Trailer consists of a rubber canvas cover, with compressed air inside, fixed to metallic elements (or composite material) that are the upper plate and the piston (lower part).

This type of spring completely replaces the old steel springs (leaf springs) which have a major disadvantage: in an empty or partially loaded vehicle, they are too stiff and do not allow enough flex to eliminate vibrations and shocks. Thanks to the use of BPW Trailer pneumatic springs (diapress, torpress or membrane), on the other hand, there is a considerable reduction in vibrations and this advantage makes the new large displacement vehicles much more durable and with better performance in time. It is recommended to regularly carry out a series of activities and precautions to preserve the efficiency of your vehicle over time and save on maintenance costs:

• Airtight seal suspensions by wetting with water, if bubbles form consider replacing BPW Trailer Inner Tube

• Fixation and support system

• Periodically check the correct tightening torque of the nuts and bolts.

• Any sign of wear on the axle suspension

• Correct operation of the leveling valve

R.O.R. shower head

The Ror sprinkler now completely replaces the old steel springs which have a major disadvantage: in an empty or partially loaded vehicle, they are too stiff and do not allow sufficient damping capable of eliminating vibrations and shocks present during driving. Thanks to the use of the ror trailer shower (diapress, torpress or membrane), on the other hand, there is a significant reduction in vibrations and this advantage makes the new large displacement vehicles much more durable and with greater performance over time. . We advise our customers to regularly carry out a series of activities and measures to preserve the efficiency of their vehicle over time and save on maintenance costs and above all for the safety of the vehicle to maintain the maximum efficiency of the Ror Trailer Sprinkler.

Hermetic sealing of suspensions by wetting them with water, if bubbles form, consider replacing the air chamber.

Fixation and support system

Periodically check the correct tightening torque of the nuts and bolts – Any signs of wear on the axle suspension

Correct operation of the leveling valve

The presence of rust on the upper and lower plate.

For the Ror sprayer, we always recommend using an original equipment replacement that ensures both durability and efficiency.

If you need to buy a Ror sprayer, we have several brands available, from the original ones to the competition ones at Vtricambi.com


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