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Nintendo Wii – Video Games + Exercise = Good Health

Nintendo Wii video games and good health? In the past, video games have been synonymous with sedentary lifestyle. You know that disreputable video games get from parents who complain that their children spend too much time playing mind-numbing games and not enough time playing physical exercise. These video game brats grow up to be teenagers addicted to video games who spend endless amounts of time until dawn (not Wii) practicing their craft. Video game teens grow up to be television addicts in their 20s and 30s who often lack social skills because all of their time is spent playing video games.

Nintendo wii changes all this. Has it changed the minds of parents, healthcare professionals, physicians, and physical therapists around the world? How can you ask? Simply combining the fun and skill of video games played on television with exercising the actual muscles needed to play the games if you were playing them outdoors and in person.

Imagine if you want, standing in front of a bowling alley. You wipe the sweat from your forehead as you decide how you are going to throw the ball to catch the spare. Your teammates are absolutely quiet, as they don’t want to break your concentration when you enter the “zone”. Bring your arms into the ready position as if the ball is actually in your hands. You start to walk slowly, then drop the ball to your side as you pick up the pace until you release the ball and watch it roll down the lane until it hits the remaining pins. Not only do you collect the “bran”, but you earn the admiration of your teammates as they give you the old “high five” in recognition of your abilities.

A little exaggerated? Not really. Nintendo wii technology really mimics your every move when you see yourself (or your Nintendo self) on the big screen and recreates every move you make. So if you’re a bad bowler in real life … you’ll have to practice a bit. But that’s okay according to doctors and physical therapists who are delighted with the idea of ​​people exercising and having fun while doing it. In fact, many physical therapy facilities now have a wii console at home, as they show their patients the correct way to improve the flexibility of their joints and muscles.

Even seniors who live in assisted living facilities enjoy the benefits of exercise that Wii offers. Perhaps you think of a group of elderly people sitting in wheelchairs looking completely listless and devoid of life. While it is true that it is sad to say in many cases, it is not in an installation that recently appeared on YouTube. This assisted living facility has created Wii bowling leagues where many of the team’s players are in wheelchairs. You need to watch the video to see how much fun they are having.

If you think playing wii on your TV is fun, then you should try it on a 110 “movie screen. Life-size virtual sports will make anyone a believer. Why not set a goal of getting in shape by exercising And losing weight – playing Nintendo Wii video games with your family.


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