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Opening Portals of Light in the Darkness: Our Task and Spiritual Gift

“There’s a crack in everything…

That’s how the Light comes in.”

-Leonard Cohen

How can we make a difference in a world that sometimes seems dark?

The ancient teachings of Jewish mysticism tell us that humans have been given the gift and responsibility to open portals for Eternal Light. We are called to consciously participate in this Creation process by opening portals so that this Light blesses and elevates life around us every day.

The great Kabbalist Ramjal used an image to explain this process. He said that we need to open a column of Light to Spirit every day. We should imagine that each day’s column or portal is so large that, like a great door, it takes a bit of effort to open all the way. We can just open a crack for a little bit of Light to come out, or we can open it fully for Light to flow in and out of us. And so, each morning when we wake up, our conscious intention can set the tone for that day by opening that portal of Light and blessing to shine upon us and through us into the world.

When we consciously open our portal of Light, we are continually being purified, cleansed, and blessed because of our alignment with that Light. And since linear time does not exist in the spiritual realm, each portal of Light we previously opened continues to shower us with Light and blessings daily. Each day that we fully open an individual portal to the Light, that Light of the Creator’s Presence pours out over us, through us, and into the world around us, today and forever.

Another story, further back in history, tells us how the children of Israel were protected by a pillar of Light at night as they traveled through the desert from Egypt to the promised land. That column not only protected them; He also read their path and surrounded them with the calming Presence of the Divine.

Simply by doing our interconnected part to open up to the Light of creation, we can hurt, heal and transform the world forever.

It reminds me of theoretical meteorologist Edward Lorenz’s discovery that everything is so interconnected that small disturbances in the atmosphere can cause huge changes in weather: a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil can produce a tornado in Texas.

We share that intimate connection with all of creation. It offers us a beautiful insight into the purpose of our spiritual work and our daily opportunity to participate in it. When we align and intentionally open portals of Light, that Light will shine not only on us, but within and throughout our world to wound, awaken, and heal, today and forever.

On the other hand, there are days when we just don’t feel the love; days when we do not open the portals fully and end up feeling spiritually exhausted and thirsty. However, today, and each new day, we can open our portal of Light and let it flow over us. The beauty of our spiritual work is to keep these portals of Light open, wherever we are, so that all life benefits.

Every portal of Light that we open remains open to nourish us now and forever, for us and for the world, for this is spiritual law in action. The Light that shines in our souls is not just for us as individuals; it reaches out to bless all life on this planet. And the portal of Light that opened yesterday not only shone until we went to bed; continue to bless the world and ourselves forever.

No matter how dark and difficult life seems, we have the power to open a portal of Light to Source. We can let in the Light of the Creator to heal what is broken in our lives and in our world.


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