
The inventions you need.


Plan? We don’t need no stinkin’ plans

Unfortunately, that famous line from the Humphrey Bogart movie Treasure of the Sierra Madre, “Badges? We don’t have any badges. We don’t need any badges! I don’t have to show you stinky badges!” is often one of the most misquoted lines in movie history, in fact when I started writing this I had to correct myself by using the quote! With that said, let’s get to the point of this blog……. Planning. Our last blog discussed planning on a global and global scale. Let’s focus on what it means to you, as the individual running your business! The first step is to realize “WE NEED A PLAN!” How do you develop a plan that is meaningful and effective for your business? information. It’s what you put into the plan that counts! Here are some ideas and thoughts you might want to consider as you develop your plan:

o What is changing in your industry?
o What is changing in technology and how it affects your ability to connect with customers
o What is changing with your customers?
o What is changing in the economy?

We all know the traditional ways of reaching customers… mail, telemarketing, mass emails and others. But what is going to grab your customer’s attention, how can you convince them to choose you over all the other alternatives on the market? Think about the following:

o Provide value, beyond the product – value in personalized attention and personalization
o Make yourself unique: find a way to stand out from the competition
o Build Relationships – Show the customer that you are genuinely interested in helping them make the best decisions and selections with your expertise. They will count on you to make sure your best interests are being looked after!
o Network in the community….Join the Chamber of Commerce, sponsor a youth activity, help with a charity event, get involved in local professional groups

The key is that your plan should focus on cultivating a two-way relationship with your customers. Yes, the new technology of social media is important, but so is an act so simple that most of us have forgotten it… Pick up the phone or drop by to say hi in person.


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