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Replacement of steel casement windows

I’ve been getting quite a few emails from homeowners wanting to know how to replace their old steel casement windows. Those are the kind with the handle you turn and the window swings out. My how-to video didn’t cover these windows, so I’m going to dedicate two articles to this topic. This first article will cover the removal procedure and measurement of your vinyl windows. Next week I will go over the installation procedure.

The first thing to do is order your replacement vinyl windows. You can’t remove the old windows until you have the new windows. So, let’s start with a single casement window, with no fixed panels. Open the window from the inside and you will see a metal trim about 1/2″ wide extending from your drywall on all four sides. This part of the frame stays in place, so the new window will fit inside the window. those edges.So, to get your width dimension, measure from left to right from lip to lip, then subtract 1/4″ to go in. Do the same for the height. Let’s say you measure 35 3/8″ wide and 38 3/8″ tall from lip to lip. You would order your new window 35 1/8″ X 38 1/8″. If you live in the west where custom frames are available, you want to order the custom style frame. In parts of the country where only replacement style frames are available, you will need to add trim on the outside after the window has been installed.

After your windows arrive, it’s time to remove the old window. Single windows without fixed panels are the easiest to remove. When you open the window, you will notice two pivot assemblies. There is one above and one below. Cut the piece of metal where the pivot pin attaches. Thus, the entire window frame and glass are removed. Now, remove the crank assembly by removing the bolts that hold it in place inside the house. The last step is to remove the protruding metal studs that you cut into the pivot to remove the window. The easiest way to do this is to grip a pair of channel lock pliers or jaws as close to the frame as possible, then move the jaws up and down to break the metal. That’s all.

If you have a combination of frames and fixed panels, remove the frames as described. Then, you have to remove the fixed glass. I used to put duct tape all over the outside of the glass. Next, I used one of those $2 glass cutters you can buy at the hardware store. Put a drop of household oil on the tip of the cutter before each cut. From the inside, score the glass on the top of the glass, on the bottom, and along each side. Then, with the tip of a screwdriver, tap the mark around the glass. Place an old tarp or sheet outside the window, take the handle end of a hammer, and strike the glass at the point. It will have a vertical metal bar in the center where the casement window was blocked. Using a reciprocating saw or hacksaw, cut the bar where it meets the framing coming out of the drywall. There will be pieces of glass sticking out past the metal lips. You should remove them so they won’t get in the way when you install the new window. You can leave the glazing putty in place as it will be hidden after the new window is installed. PLEASE WEAR GLOVES AND SAFETY GLASSES THROUGHOUT THIS EXTRACTION PROCEDURE!!

Next week I’m going to explain both types of installation procedures, whether you’re installing modified or replacement style frames.


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