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Seven Steps to Becoming a More Successful Writer

You have a great idea. You have written a good draft. You have completed your editing and review. You have submitted your work to the editor of your choice. And now you’re done, right? Not quite. You see, what many new writers don’t realize is that writing involves a lot more than just putting your pen on paper or your fingers on the keyboard. The work of a writer is a never-ending process. Sure, there is a lot of waiting time involved, but that time should be used to help you grow as a writer. Here are some ideas to keep you busy and improve your writing skills.

Develop new ideas – Do you have another project you would like to work on? What is? Is it fiction or non-fiction? Who are the characters? What is the configuration? Which it is the plot? What research needs to be done? Spend this time gathering new ideas to work on when the time is right.

Read – Stephen King said it best when he made this comment on the author’s need to read: If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot … reading is the creative center of a writer’s life … you can’t expect to sweep someone else off by force. of your writing until it is done to you. Reading educates us. Reading stretches our imagination. Reading is a necessary part of any writer’s life.

Expand your vocabulary – When was the last time you learned a new word? A growing vocabulary is an advantage for every writer. Why use the word “subtle” when you can use the word “insidious”? Don’t say “flashy”, say “flashy.” There are many websites available that offer daily or weekly emails that introduce you to new words to improve your vocabulary. Sign up for a few and see the vast improvement in your writing flow and visuals.

Improve your spelling – In addition to expanding our vocabulary, many of us would benefit from brushing up on our spelling skills. It is true that we can always look it up in the dictionary or use the spell checker, but we would save a lot of time if we learned to spell the words correctly in the first place. Also, it is good to increase our knowledge.

Research – Wait time is an excellent time to do research for your next project. Spend some time at the library, bookstore, or online. Record the data you need and do not forget to take note of its sources.

Study the market – The time between projects is the best opportunity for you to study the market. Who is currently looking for presentations? Is there an upcoming topic that you feel comfortable writing about? Which editors would be interested in your next project? Take your time and study your options. Market research is almost as important as the writing itself, perhaps even more important.

Take a class – If you really want to improve your writing skills, take a class or visit a workshop. Many courses are offered online, and some of them are even free. Just go to your favorite search engine and type in “free writing classes” or “writing workshops.” You will be amazed at the number of options available.

Writers must write. That is a fact, however there are other important steps you need to take if you want to become a successful writer. Writing is a joyous journey, but not an easy one. It takes time and effort. If you are willing to invest in it, it will change your life!


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