
The inventions you need.


Silly String – Applications in Art Parties

When entertaining a crowd, few things break the ice and bring the party to life like a few cans of silly string placed in active hands. Inexpensive and versatile, you can use silly strings in almost every phase and activity during your party.

An excellent feature of Silly String is the fact that it comes in all the colors of the rainbow. The sheer amount of color allows you to use many colors or in bulk, stripped down to just one or a couple to support a more specific color theme. For example, you can use all available colors for a school or party theme that has to do with the rainbow. Another great place to incorporate lots of colors would be while teaching a color lesson. With primary and secondary colors available, get the class involved by spraying the correct color in response to a question. You could ask a lot of different questions, like what secondary color do blue and red make up? To get it right, you’d need to spray a purple can of silly string. You could then ask what color the complementary purple was, to which the answer would be yellow. I could go on and on, until your class had a lot of fun and thoroughly learned their basic color wheel.

Another artistic idea for using various colors of silly string is to make a large paint by number on a lawn, patio, or driveway. To draw the outline and numbers on the lawn, you can use spray paint, yard tape, and sidewalk chalk for your driveway or other cement surface. The internet is full of free and simple paint by number scenes that you can easily print and enlarge to a good group size. For greater precision, you may want to draw a grid both on the image that you will duplicate larger, and on the surface that you will place the large image on. Just make sure your numbering on the grid is correct and the proportions are pretty much correct.

Depending on the age of your artists, you may want to color the image you used to draw the large reproduction and show it to them before you start on the silly rope in the picture so they get an idea of ​​what it should look like. result Also, in order not to have too much confusion, label the number corresponding to the color on each can and give each participant their own can or cans so that no one monopolizes the activity by being the fastest to grab each can.


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