
The inventions you need.


Some reflections on functional exercise

For all the misguided people who believe that working out with heavy weights in an aggressively cumulative manner is the path to fitness, I’m going to try and put a wrench in your thought process, for your own benefit.

First I want you to think about the other animals we share this planet with; the little ones and the big ones. They live their lives, even those in captivity, without doing any repetitive strengthening exercises and yet remain healthy, fit and strong! How is this possible? Surely, if they don’t exercise in all the silly ways we’re conditioned to believe are necessary, they’ll become weak, anemic, and decrepit, right? That’s what doctors and fitness experts say about us humans, in any case.

Now come into my Common Sense Corner for a moment and reflect on this. Imagine a great ape, gorilla or orangutan, captured from the wild, strong like everyone else, placed inside a cage in a zoo. Now, of course, upon his arrival, you certainly don’t want to go into the cage with him, knowing full well that you’ll be ripped apart in no time.

Fast-forward 10 years or so… for the past decade, this beast, with a body structurally very similar to yours, has lived the life of a couch potato. For the sake of argument, let’s also consider a captured tiger that has done nothing but pace its too-small cage for the same 10 years; no animal exercising as we are told to do, in the gym lifting weights, in class doing aerobics, running, riding a bike, doing push-ups, sit-ups or whatever else we are told to do to maintain our strength.

Surely after this long period of inactivity, at least without exercise as we know it, without exercises or repetitive strengthening activities, the animals must be extremely debilitated, become frail and weak; Correct? So who in their right mind would think they could get in the cage with this non-exercising animal and outdo it?

I ask you not only to think about this dilemma, but also to consider the images of squirrels, dogs, lazy cats, and all the other creatures we share this planet with. Have you ever seen any other creature, with a skeleton and musculature (all very similar on inspection), exercise in the repetitive linear forms that we humans have devised? The answer is no, and the question is: what do they know that we don’t?

Where does the Force come from in those muscles?

Now, can you imagine what the result would be if one subjected a racehorse to a bodybuilder’s training regimen? Or a squirrel or a cat forced to run a 5K or 20 mile marathon, believing there will be some sort of positive benefit to the creature in the end? Come on, tell a squirrel that he has to run the equivalent of a marathon to show how great shape he’s in and he’ll think you’re crazy.

I believe that each and every creature intuitively knows what they are expected to do to their physical structure, to keep them functional throughout their lives. That is, all creatures except the creature with the largest brain, the human being, who has access to a seemingly inexhaustible supply of ideas on how to create dysfunction from Functionality and disease from Health.

Instead of delving into the mysteries of how every other creature maintains its own structural integrity throughout its life, to use that information to our advantage, we humans have gone to great lengths to free ourselves from the Web of Life, to see ourselves ourselves above and beyond. the rest of Life here on this planet, to try to invent our own rules and ways of life, to the great degradation of our species.

Let’s take a look at some easily observable examples of human achievement when it comes to ignoring the Natural Laws of Movement and Structure. And let us ask ourselves while we do it, why similar examples of this type of distortions and twisted structures do not exist among the rest of the “lower creatures”. Of course, the only notable ones are the ones we humans have tamed or caged…

To look at the body of a bodybuilder, or the body of a cyclist or runner is to see a misaligned, distorted structure, often “in pain”, caused by activities performed under the guise of Health and Fitness. I have learned from my practical work with the myofascial structural body that of all the creatures in creation here, only humans are stupid and misguided enough to engage in mindless destructive activities. The fact that these analytical, logical and mechanical humans cannot understand the effects that the forms of exercise that they choose have on their structure, their body, astounds me.

For some inexplicable reason, they are unable to direct that kind of focused attention and insight that they use on any other type of mechanical object, towards the function and use of the human body. The rational, logical, scientific mind would never treat one of its precious machines the way it treats the human body. That statement is also valid for other aspects of the body (such as what we put in it), but here we will stick to the Structural Mechanics of it.

The detrimental distortions caused by repetitive linear exercises (exponentially magnified by the use of heavy weights) are as evident through visual observation, palpation (touch), and functional deformation through the joints that cross the “strengthened” muscles. . Einstein need not realize that a weightlifter soon loses remarkable mobility throughout the body, achieving less range of motion at all joints, resulting in less flexibility with each workout.

I’ll use my “off-road” analogy one more time and ask how dumb someone would have to be not to notice the negative effects that would occur after every off-road experience with their vehicle (bikes included). And for how long could that person continue with the activity if proper maintenance was not done? Seeing this all unfold as it is, the whole “hard body, abs and buns of steel, build a gym body” craze that has become the norm in the mainstream, is as much fun to me as watching a playground recess with little kids playing with a sandbox full of sharp knives and loaded guns.

Seriously, how many sit-ups do you need to be able to do easily? The answer is one; the time you need. This is how all the other animals on this planet behave, except us. The experts have somehow come to the conclusion that if one sit-up is good, then 50 or 100 would be much better; not understanding what happens to the musculature and skeleton when so many repetitive movements are performed for no other reason than to build “strength”, which is in fact functionally diminished by the enlargement and shortening of “strengthened” muscles.

This is a Paradigm shift that I am creating for you; showing you the whole phenomenon from a different angle, and based on a completely logical, mechanical and provable model. Once understood, your previous perception will seem as fleeting as a fading dream that is no longer relevant.


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