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Street Fighting Moves – Interview with Norm Bettencourt – What’s wrong with MMA for self defense?

Charles: I’m glad to have you here today, Norma. Tell us a bit about yourself.

Standard: Well, I was previously a bouncer on the security staff, so I’ve been a bodyguard for the last 15 years, and now I teach street fighting and combat self-defense full time.

Charles: And in your experience, have you achieved a coveted black belt in any style?

Standard: Yes, I have a black belt in karate.

Charles: Hey. Excellent. Our topic tonight is what is wrong with mixed martial arts as a self defense system. Could you have some tips that might help us understand and see why this is true?

Standard: Good,

or the first tip would- Because there are rules.

Basically, there’s a referee in the ring, and he cuts off when the rules are broken or he stalls.

or the second is that you can not use or You have limitations towards your techniques.

You can’t eye jab. You can’t bite. You cannot stab someone with a knife or use your environment to take out your attacker. Y

or the third it is regarding the ground fighting. It’s like a chess game. On the street you want the opposite. You want to take off immediately in case your attacker has friends.

Charles: Basically, those are the three main reasons why mixed martial arts cannot be considered a true self defense system.

Standard: Correct.

Charles: So in general, what would be your advice to someone who is interested in a real self defense system and is thinking that mixed martial arts is the first step? What advice would you give this person?

Standard: I would say basically mixed martial arts, if there’s a referee at any of the training you do or any of the matches, then it’s not real. It is considered a sport. If there are rules, it is considered a sport. So what you have to do if you want something realistic is find a system that has no rules. It needs to be customized to suit your needs and also teaches you how to use your environment and fight in real world situations.

Charles: Well, Norm, I think that’ll cover us. I believe that with this interview, people will have a clearer vision to make a better decision to select the right school for their needs. We thank you Norm.

Standard: Thanks.


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