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Technology Vs Human Side in the Organization

The role of Human Resources has certainly undergone a radical change since the last decade. Organizations are increasingly global, scalable and multidimensional. Although the paradigm has shifted towards the technological front, but the human touch and human intervention would still not be outside talk. Pragmatically, organizations are striving for further advancement in technology, automation, and scalability of their business and operations.

The most important thing that we are missing in this whole range of advances in technology and automation is that we do not recognize the role of human intervention and the values ​​that an employee can add to the organization. In this so-called “Technical and Automation Era” are we going to move completely away from the HUMAN aspect? Or is everything going to be so robotic and there will be maximum trust in him? Is this one of the most amazing questions popularly prevailing in our mind? If yes, then surely we still have some human psyche left, before technology really rules us.

This is where, dear HR friends, you play an important, or rather fundamental, role in re-establishing the human side inside and outside the organization. We live in a robust “technical” and “virtual” world, where global boundaries have certainly vanished and communication and networking have become highly advanced and yet organizations cannot retain employees. Many organizations have come up with brilliant employee retention concepts like flexible hours, work from home, work-life balance, career advancement courses, etc. But they have still failed to give the human touch to their employees.

Now, what does the human touch or the human side really mean? Your employees may have no doubt appreciated you for your efforts to create a growth-driven work culture. But the story does not end here!! Nor does it mean that the organization has completely failed to understand the human side of employees. But now the time has come when leaders in organizations need to realign their focus on employee well-being, mentoring, creating a supportive work culture, giving enough space and opportunities for learning and development, focusing on creating Short-term. term or medium term and finely fragmenting these objectives at each level so that each employee in the organization feels the sense of belonging in the organization. Simply focusing on upholding organizational ethics would certainly not help in the long run. Many organizations strictly adhere to their organizational ethics as a set of doctrines, which is certainly creating a strong rigidity in employee performance and greater sustainability.

Organizations need to be more agile, especially in the formulation of their human resources policies. It also doesn’t mean that you should let your employees make their own decisions, but there should be strong collaboration and mutual trust between management and employees. Harnessing and enacting strong mutual trust and respect between management and employees would create a more culturally strong, causal and lively work environment.

Organizations should focus on technological advancement and business scalability and business expansion, but not at the cost of relegating human resources (such as employees) to the organization.


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