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Health Fitness

The best hiking essentials for a day hike

Casually walking past a nearby waterfall? Or planning to conquer a difficult summit? Whatever the case, it is very important to prepare and bring the right equipment. The outdoors is a very unpredictable place and the smallest things can mean the difference between a minor mishap and a major dilemma.

Be sure to come with these hiking essentials for a day hike:

Solar protection

Even if the forecast says it’s going to be cloudy, it doesn’t mean you don’t need adequate protection from the sun. A good sunscreen, tinted sunglasses, SPF lip balm, and a wide-brimmed hat are essential to stay protected. A bad sunburn and chapped lips are not things you want after a fun day of hiking.

food and snacks

You will need all the energy you can get to prepare your body for a day hike. So, after a good nutritious meal beforehand, make sure you bring enough snacks to keep your calories up along the way. Energy bars, dried fruit, jerky, and nuts are all good choices. If you want something heavier for lunch or dinner, bring sandwiches or freeze-dried meals. Don’t forget to bring enough water too!


This is obvious. You will want to stay hydrated throughout the hike. Water will cool you down in hot weather and help keep you warm in cooler weather. Water also helps prevent injuries as it helps muscles and joints work properly.

Additional Clothing

Weather and temperature can change quickly outdoors, so it’s best to have extra clothing on hand (to change into or layer on). It’s ideal to bring an extra layer of insulated clothing to help keep you warm in case the temperature drops.

First aid box

Safety should be your top priority when you’re outdoors, which is why it’s important to pack a first aid kit. You can purchase a prepackaged kit that is a lightweight option and usually carries full supplies for minor injuries.


Even if you don’t plan on spending the dark, always carry a good light source. Walks often take longer than expected. Also, bring a small fire starter kit in case you need to create a fire during your hike.


A compass and map are a must for every hike, even if you’re hiking with a group or a guide. It will come in handy when you get lost or need to find your way back. Just make sure you learn how to use them beforehand!

Have a safe and smooth adventure by bringing these essentials for a day hike!


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