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The Corner of Pax, West Virginia – Restaurant Review

Pax, West Virginia is home to The Corner, formerly known as Kelly’s Korner, a family restaurant serving delicious country cuisine. You won’t find anything fancy on the menu or for a special of the day. What you’ll find are hot dogs, hamburgers, turkey and roast beef sandwiches, and club sandwiches made with TLC, usually accompanied by hot, crispy fries from the oven or hand-whipped mashed potatoes with homemade gravy.

Breakfast is my favorite meal at Kelly’s. Perfectly cooked eggs, crispy bacon, toast or cookies (no bagels here), and a steaming cup of coffee. Of course, that’s it after an enthusiastic “Good morning!” Also, there can be pancakes or French toast, all made from scratch, just like cookies. And don’t forget the sausage sauce to top those cookies (if you get there before my family eats!).

Possibly the best thing about The Corner is the people who eat there and the people who visit. Most of the locals eat here, and since the Pax is relatively small, almost everyone knows each other. I love to sit back, enjoy my coffee, and listen to the talk about farms, crops, the big gathering that’s coming up (Pax has a meeting every two years for Pax High School graduates, and it’s a huge success, let me tell you- -we are speaking of over three thousand people coming to a city with a population of about 200 or so) or state politics, always an interesting topic anywhere in West Virginia.

So if you find yourself driving on I-77 in southern West Virginia, look for the Pax exit and enjoy a meal at The Corner. You may have to wait a minute or two for a table during the busy hours of breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but you’ll be glad you did.


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