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The five best dog breeds for homes with children

The five best dog breeds for homes with children

* beagles

* Bernese Mountain Dog

* Bichon Frize

* hound

*Boston Terrier

* boxers

* Brittany Spaniel



* English Setters

* foxhound

*Gordon Setter

* irish setter


* Labrador retrievers

* mastiff


* Pug

* Samoyed

* Siberian Husky

* Springer Spaniel

* Standard Poodles

* vizslas

With proper training of both the children and the dog, any of the above breeds should be able to adapt without much trouble. Of course, there are some individuals, both human and canine, who simply refuse to get along.

Watch for warning signs, such as being overprotective of food, toys, bed, or an area you’ve claimed as your own. Take special care with small children who may crawl into the dog while it is eating. Even small dogs can leave a nasty bite on a young child. Be careful not to let children play tug-of-war or fight with the dominant breeds, when the dog wins, he will feel empowered and consider your child inferior. This can lead to more aggressive actions against your child.

Some dog breeds to avoid, or at least be careful of, are listed below. Obviously, there are exceptions for every breed, but research shows the following are some of the worst breeds for households with young children (alphabetically):

* Chihuahuas: intolerant, especially young children and babies

* Chow Chows – often bond to one person, can be very snappish around children

* Dachshunds – Intolerant

* Dalmatians: overly excitable, prone to jumping and knocking down children.

* Dobermans: a dominant breed, may consider child inferior

* Giant Schnauzers – A dominant breed, can challenge even adults

* Heelers: prone to biting children’s legs and heels.

* Lhasa Apso – Intolerant, may also be intolerant to some adults

* Malamutes: a dominant breed, may consider child inferior

* Mini Pinchers – Intolerant, ferocious for their size

* Pekinese-Intolerant

* Pitbulls: love children or hate them, a powerful bite can break bones

* Rhodesian Ridgeback: a dominant breed, may consider child inferior

* Rottweiller – A dominant breed, may consider child inferior
*Toy poodle: may be hurt by children, may bite in self-defense

The following breeds may be suited to family life, but should have come with warning labels attached. Dogs chosen from these breeds must be very carefully vetted individuals who were raised in households that also had children. They should be well socialized with many children from the time they are puppies, and should definitely be obedience trained.


*Cocker Spaniel: inbreeding has caused personality defects in some puppies

* collies

*German shepherd

* golden retriever

* Great Dane

* Great Pyrenees

* Irish Setter – Inbreeding has caused personality defects in some puppies

* Irish Wolfhound

* Old English Sheepdog – Either you like children or you hate them

* Saint Bernard – Either you like children or you hate them

So which dogs are the most better breeds for households with children?
In my opinion, there are five.

I think the most suitable for the position is the labrador retrievers. They are intelligent, affectionate and can take a lot of abuse from children without getting cranky. A Labrador will most likely lie on the ground, tail wagging, while your toddler plays on his stomach like a drum kit. They must receive firm obedience training, but they will make excellent pets.

The second is the golden retriever. They are reliable, affectionate and very sociable dogs that will also be able to withstand rough treatment from children without getting too angry.

Third is the Basset hound. They can certainly be lazy and stubborn, but also very sweet and gentle. They adore children and can be very affectionate with them.

The fourth is the Beagle. They are affectionate, intelligent and lively dogs, best suited to children over the age of six, but somewhat adaptable.

Fifth is the Bulldog. They can be very good with children over the age of six if they are taught to respect them. They are generally good-natured dogs, but very strong.

The best option for young children will always be a puppy born and raised in a home with children. A good dog is one that already has a history of pleasant interaction with youngsters.

Introduce the dog to your children before agreeing to buy or adopt it, and make sure there are no personality conflicts. The dog must be attentive, affectionate and gentle, even if children are a little rough with their affection. If the dog or puppy plays well with your children in his current home, he will probably play well with them in your home.

Best of luck and happy pup hunting!


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