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The headless horseman rides again

Every year during the month of October and sometimes until the beginning of November, I show my EFL students the Disney animated version of “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”. The video serves various purposes both didactic and non-instructional. It remains popular with students regardless of their age, major, or occupation.

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Most of you are probably familiar with Washington Irving’s classic American tale, originally written in 1819-1820, based on a German folktale. A transient schoolteacher, Icabod Crane, arrives in the small colonial town of Sleepy Hollow, located near Tarrytown, in Westchester County, New York State. As he integrates into local society, he falls in love with a wealthy farmer’s daughter, Katrina Van Tassel. The superstitious pedagogue battles a local rival for the fair maiden’s favors. On the night of October 31, during festivities at the Van Tassel estate, ghost stories told by guests bring out Ichabod’s worst fears. One story in particular, that of a headless horseman who rides one night every year in search of a new head, terrifies the master more than anything. The unfortunate schoolteacher later meets the legendary Headless Horseman and… Well, if you don’t know the rest of the story, it’s worth a read.

setting the stage

The full-color animated feature is approximately 30 minutes long, making it short enough to fit well into a 90-minute class session. I prepare a two-page worksheet to help students follow the story and extract key information as they watch. To set the stage in general, we talk about legends in Colombia that may include:

or Las Tres Cruces (The Three Crosses)

or Chupacabra (as a female “Boogeyman”)

o El Duende (similar to a Leprechaun)

o Pata Sola (like a “Bigfoot” with only one leg)

Are you superstitious?

After viewing the story and working through the task sheet, we check the answers and answers. We talk about their likes and dislikes, which may be similar to the ones seen in the story. I also ask about their superstitions and reactions to situations such as:

or break a mirror

o A black cat or a black butterfly approaching them

o Using a broom to ward off bad luck

o Walking under a ladder

The activity, in general, is useful for English levels from beginner to upper intermediate and beyond. It serves to illustrate some aspects of US history, culture, and customs associated with the fall of the year.

Worksheet is available

If you have access to this particular video and would like a copy of the worksheet I use, please email me your request at: [email protected] and I’ll be happy to send one to you right away.

While I’m not a big fan of using full-length films by themselves in the EFL classroom, I am in favor of using short video clips, 5 minutes or more, from time to time. Audiovisuals such as videos help reduce the affective filter of students and can greatly promote learning when used wisely.


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