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The Mystical Powers of Silver Jewellery

Mystical Powers of Silver Jewellery

When it comes to jewellery, silver is the favourite metal of many people around the world. It is a classic metal that can be teamed with coloured gems and stones to create a stylish look that can complement any outfit. It is also an affordable option when compared to gold, making it the ideal choice for jewellery lovers on a budget. But, what’s more important is the fact that silver is said to have mystical powers of healing and rejuvenation that can help in improving your overall health and wellbeing.

What’s more, silver jewellery is said to offer a protective shield against the negative energy that can be transmitted from one person to another. The positive ions present in silver act as a catalyst for the body’s natural defence mechanisms, thus keeping the body healthy and in good condition. This is one of the reasons why silver jewellery is worn by many astrologers, energy healers, cell therapy experts and even jewellery makers!

Silver is also known to be effective in maintaining the internal body temperature balance. When the external environment becomes too hot, your body may sweat and lose water which can lead to dehydration. In such situations, you need to keep hydrated at all times. Silver is said to be effective in this area as well since it reflects heat, thereby helping you stay hydrated in hot environments. It also helps your skin regain its natural sheen and boosts circulation.

The Mystical Powers of Silver Jewellery

In addition to this, the positive ions that are present in silver are also effective against bacteria, viruses and some parasites. This is the reason why silver is used in medical equipment to protect it from infections and other harmful microorganisms. Silver is also known to have anti-inflammatory properties that can alleviate the symptoms of certain medical conditions, such as arthritis and psoriasis.

It is also believed that silver has a soothing effect on the body and can calm your mind as well. This is why many people wear it when they are feeling stressed or anxious, as it is believed that silver can restore their emotional balance. This makes it the perfect gift for a friend who is going through emotional ups and downs.

Silver is also a durable metal that can last long and is able to resist rust and corrosion. It can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth and can be polished to keep it looking shiny and new for years to come. You can also carry out an acid test on silver jewellery, if you’re adventurous (wearing eye protection and gloves is a must!). Simply dip your piece in a solution of muriatic acid or nitric acid and see what colour it turns to. This will let you know whether your jewellery is genuine or fake!


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