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the warrior monk

Search the web for General (4 Star) James Norman Mattis, USMC to read about the man, his many accomplishments, and among his many nicknames, you’ll find “The Warrior-Monk” attributed to him. He was, and still is, a living military genius who can rightly call Napoleon Bonaparte a peer. General Mattis understood and practiced USMC doctrine, and used it to train the Marines under his command to determine how to meet the National Objective by planning, resourcing, and conducting an operation by leading Marines on doctrinally correct missions. using innovative ways and means.

General Mattis amassed an incredible library of books on many subjects, not just past military campaigns, military weaponry, and military technology, but also politics, human behavior, agriculture, and how to get into the minds of the people whose leadership wants to limit America. central objective. He shared his books with his Marines so they could better understand why he asked them to plan and act. This is where the “Monk” part of his nickname fits in. President Trump put the right man in the right place by appointing retired General Mattis as his Secretary of Defense, but it was insane to expect Mattis to behave like a talking parrot, which is what Trump wanted all the advisers to be. of the.

There have been other warrior monks throughout human history. Search the web for the Gaelic (Irish) monk, Saint Columba. You must find a mixture in Columba, the warrior son of a proud family and a repentant Christian, ready to atone for a mistake that cost many lives. You will have to decide if it was used by a Holy See (the Pope) to convert pagans to Christians on the coastal island of Iona in 533 (533 years after the birth of Jesus, the Christ), and then sent the new Christians. as missionaries far beyond the isolated lands of Scotland and Ireland.

Isn’t it interesting how the life of some seems to be an example to others? The Christian Bible contains such a story. Book of Job web search. It is an Old Testament Book, and there is a debate about who wrote it. I think Moses wrote it. God communicated directly with Moses during the Exodus of the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt. His presence and his direct communication with Moses, in the vicinity of the Hebrew people, lasted 40 years! There was plenty of time and reason for Moses to be used as a conduit to record God’s point of view. At the time of the Exodus, the Hebrew people had no clear idea of ​​what they meant to God or what God expected of them, so they were taught. One of the lessons was in the Book of Job. It is a bitter lesson. I have had to read it many times to gain an understanding of what God wants.

Essentially, Job was righteous and wealthy before a seemingly endless plague of misfortune befell him. He lost his family, his children, his wealth, and his health, but through it all, he praised God for the grace he could have. Most significantly, Job’s friends relentlessly told Job that he must have done something that angered God, and assumed that God should not be angry with them because they did not suffer as much misery.

In the end, Job did not waver in his trust and devotion to God. The things that happened to Job were not a punishment or a test. They were a demonstration intended for the unbelievers and the weak in faith. The lesson is that none of us own or have anything we deserve. We have what we are allowed. Even if we are grateful for what we have, it may be taken away from us. If God determines that we must suffer to help others find him, take heart, hold on, trust and pray. God will notice and appreciate you even more for your faith in him during the crises of your life.


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