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This commandment can lead to a life filled with excitement, adventure, and fruitfulness!

A new commandment I give you: that you love one another. As I have loved you, so you should love one another. Everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.

These are beautiful words. Nothing can compare to this. You will find them in the Gospel of John in the New Testament in Chapter 13. Read them and receive whatever blessing Almighty God has for you.

But it is a Commandment – and it is NEW. He used to find that some people didn’t like the Commandments and didn’t like anything NEW. So they can have big problems with what Jesus says.

Jesus gives his disciples a new commandment. It’s an order, not a suggestion, and it’s not optional, and it’s not advice to be taken or ignored depending on how you feel.

All injunctions and injunctions are in effect until the orders are changed, and I have no evidence that this order has been changed, withdrawn, or modified.

What is significant is that this is how the world will judge the Church. If the world does not see the disciples of Jesus loving one another, then, according to the words of Jesus, they have every right to conclude: “They are not disciples of Jesus!”

The goal of everything we intend to do is to produce, grow and cultivate the love of God, the love of Jesus, by the power of the presence of the Holy Spirit within us.

Look at this: it can be a great consolation for you. Jesus said this – AFTER Judas left the room. Very few people know the scene in which Jesus Christ spoke these words. They were in the Upper Room, the night he was betrayed and before he was crucified.

God’s love can ease disappointment and can allow us to be vulnerable to many things, including lack of appreciation. Our motivation is different.

Do you realize that when God calls you, he chooses you and calls you to participate in one of the most exciting adventures that any man or woman can participate in, and he calls us to be involved in all of this.

God’s call has taken me twice around the world. Oh, it’s been hard and dangerous work at times, but exciting.

Many seem to think that serving Jesus Christ in the Church of Jesus Christ is tedious and boring, never! And you go and serve in his love and the risen and living Jesus equips you and prepares you for whatever comes your way.

If it weren’t for the Love of Jesus Christ and the anointing power of the Holy Spirit, I doubt I would have been brave enough to make these recent visits to Uganda and Kenya. There were some tough times in the slums and in the bush where she taught Leadership Seminars.

In Romans 12 verse 9 next – again – written to believing disciples, we see the fruit of love from a different angle.

“Love must be sincere. Hate the bad, hold on to the good!

Allow God the Holy Spirit to grow that wonderful love within your heart, mind, and life. You never know where it will lead you and there you can be useful, useful and fruitful.

“Dear Father, I have come to see that whatever else I possess, if I do not have Your love, then I am nothing. Help me to always be open to You so that love – Your love – can grow and deepen and be seen in me. .” Amen


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