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Tips for bathing parakeets

You may not realize it, but most budgies love water, and all budgies need to be clean, just like people. Budgies are really no different in that regard from the birds you might see outside in bird baths.

Now, many budgies love water, but some only enjoy it in certain ways. For example, filling a sink with water terrifies my boyfriend’s budgie, but the bird loves to be sprayed with a spray bottle of water, usually. Therefore, it may take some experimenting to find out what your budgie likes.

Some parakeets enjoy showering under the kitchen sink sprayer, for example. Others like to just roll around in wet bits of lettuce. Some even enjoy taking a shower with their human friends.

If your budgie likes at least one of those options, you’re in good shape. However, if it is not, then the fact remains that the bird still needs to be cleaned from time to time. Therefore, you may want to invest in a very small transport cage. You can put the bird in the cage and spray some water in its general direction. The bird can accept the idea. If not, at least it will end faster and easier for both you and the bird.

Finally, remember that parakeets tend to like fairly warm temperatures and can easily get sick. Therefore, it is important to ensure that your budgie dries off completely without catching a cold. If it’s hot in your house, you can let the bird dry itself. If not, you may need to use a hair dryer on a very low setting, towel, or heater to warm it up after a bath session.


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