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Tips for masturbating: get out of the rut

Because masturbation is one of the easiest ways for a man to entertain himself, it’s something he tends to do regularly. Many men have absolutely no problem with their masturbation routines and make masturbation a part of their penis care regimens. These men masturbate and enjoy themselves, plain and simple. But some men find that they have fallen into a rut with their masturbation. They find themselves going through the motions and getting some pleasure from it, but they also find that he has gotten a bit “old”.

For men in the latter camp, the following tips may prove valuable in getting out of the rut and reinvigorating their masturbation routines.

– Change the time. Many men masturbate fairly regularly at the same general time. That can be every day when they wake up to wood in the morning or every night before they go to bed or every Sunday afternoon. If a guy is a little bored with his cuddling, he should try treating himself at a different time and see how he feels.

– Change the time. Likewise, some men tend to spend the same amount of time on each masturbation session. The man who has grown bored with his own pleasure can extend that normal 5 minute quickie to a 20 or 30 minute session. Or the guy who tends to mind his own business for half an hour can switch things up with a quickie and see how quickly he can come to ejaculation.

– Go crazy on the spot. Changing where a man masturbates can also make a big difference. A guy who spends all his time in front of the computer may enjoy getting into bed with his special friend. Instead of finding pleasure in the bedroom, he may try the living room, kitchen, or laundry room. Instead of staying inside, let him go outside (if there’s a privacy fence in the backyard, for example). Or if home is boring, try a spot in the men’s room at the local mall.

– Reposition things. Those who masturbate sitting down can try standing up. Those who caress while lying down can try kneeling or squatting.

– Change hands. The penis gets used to being stroked by the dominant hand, so switch things up and use the other hand for a while. Or use both hands, either at the same time or alternately. Also, a guy should see if he needs to use those hands in a different way. If he tends to focus on the glans, spend more time on the shaft (and vice versa). Also, many men neglect their balls while masturbating and many are afraid to explore their anus; however, both can be rewarding in terms of stimulation and interest.

– Light up (or down). Changing the lighting in the environment can also affect mood and enjoyment. Should the lights be nice and dim? Is a guy ready to turn on the flood lights for a change? Is it time to turn off the ceilings and bet on indirect light? And hey, maybe there’s a reason red lights are associated with sex; why not find out?

These are just a few ideas to get out of the masturbation rut and get back “in the game” with playtime. Of course, regular masturbation means the need to keep the penis healthy, which requires the daily use of an exceptional penis health cream. (Health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven to be gentle and safe for the skin). Sometimes men get a little excited while masturbating, resulting in a loss of sensitivity due to rough handling. A neuroprotective acetyl L-carnitine cream helps with peripheral nerve damage that can lead to a loss of sensation in the penis. This rough handling can also damage the skin, so it is necessary to use a restorative hydration. A cream with shea butter and vitamin E is packed with moisturizing power.


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