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Tips to get your driver’s license G Road Test

As we have said in our previous article, to drive a motor vehicle on Canadian roads, you need a valid driver’s license, a vehicle that can be purchased, rented, imported, etc. Canada has a large highway system that connects the vast majority of the population.

If you have a driver’s license in the United States, you have great potential redeemed for the Ontario G driving test reservation without taking any exams, depending on the state in which you obtained the license.

Although the international license is valid for one year, and if you are residing in Canada (with any status other than tourist), you will only be able to drive during the first two months. After this period, it is necessary to obtain the Ontario g road test reservation.

There are three different types of driver’s license:

G1: It allows you to drive as long as you are accompanied by a driver who has a type G license for a minimum of four years. You must pass a theory test to obtain this license. The restrictions of this license are:

  • Blood alcohol level must be zero.

  • It does not allow driving between midnight and 5:00 am.

  • No driving allowed on most highways.

G2: Allows you to drive without being accompanied by another driver. To obtain this license, you must pass a practical exam and be in possession of a G1 license. The restrictions of this license are:

  • Blood alcohol level must be zero.

  • Limitation on the number of passengers… if the driver is 19 years of age or younger and drives at night.

GRAM: Allows free driving. To obtain this license, you must pass a practical test and be in possession of a G2 license.

The steps to follow if you want to obtain a G license are:

  • Take theoretical exam for G1.

  • Wait a year.

  • Take a practical exam to obtain the G2.

  • Wait another year.

  • Do another practical test to G.

  • What Waits is compulsory, that is, you cannot do it immediately after the exam, so the total time in the best case is two years.

The G1 test consists of 40 questions, 20 related to responsible driving and another 20 with signs. Four total fouls in each of the parts (eight total) and there is no time limit allowed. Once finished, we deliver it and correct it at the time. If we have passed it, they give us a green piece of paper that is our G1 temporary license. After a few weeks, we will receive the latest G1 license at home.

On the day of the test, you must obtain something before the scheduled time at the test center. The driving school classes are held in the same area where the exam is to be taken and two or three routes are taught that are always used by the examiners, so they basically consist of classes learned from these routes. Pay special attention to speed limits, stops, junctions, and some new maneuvers like the three-point turn, but all of that is explained in class. The difference between the G2 and the G of consideration is that in the G2 it does not take you on the road, also in the G it is usually more strict with the rules. The test lasts about half an hour and when the examiner tells you the errors you have had and if you have passed the test. If so, it gives you green paper, it is the G2/G temporary license. In a few weeks, the G2/G final will come home.


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