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Tips to improve fertility naturally

Getting pregnant and being able to improve fertility naturally is a challenge that many couples face. Sometimes diet, health, and weight can play a role in infertility. Being overweight can sometimes affect ovulation and overall health. Being underweight can cause your body to skip periods and have irregular periods, making it harder to get pregnant. The first step to improving fertility naturally is to make sure your body is healthy and ready to conceive a new baby. You should make sure you eat a healthy and balanced diet and get enough exercise. Couples today are more aware of the benefits of using herbs and other methods to naturally improve fertility and get pregnant. Western medicine has moved further and further away from ways to improve fertility naturally. The western world tends to promote expensive pills and injections to help with infertility, while the eastern world still uses methods that have worked for thousands of years.

Hope has been restored to Western women, as the West is learning that sometimes the old ways are still just as good. The West seems to be so caught up in so much science that it sometimes forgets the saying “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. Chinese medicine, including Chinese herbs and acupuncture, have been used to naturally improve fertility and help women conceive for a long time. Many couples are having success creating a family using these simple and safe methods.

There are thousands of Chinese herbs that have been documented to help with all kinds of ailments, including infertility.

Couples who have struggled with low sperm count, polycystic ovary syndrome, repeated miscarriages, blocked tubes, unbalanced estrogen levels, elevated FSH, luteal phase defect, or other unexplained infertility may find the use of Chinese medicine helpful. . Sometimes using a combination of Chinese herbs and acupuncture will be the best way for couples.

Acupuncture was first used in China around 200 BC. C. and has spread like wildfire due to its extensive benefits. Acupuncture and fertility have been linked as a standard of care in the East and is generally used throughout pregnancy until around 12 weeks gestation.

One of the great things about using acupuncture and herbs for fertility is that they are natural, safe, and affordable. Most couples will find that their bodies respond to these treatments within 3 to 6 months. Couples feel healthier, happier and full of energy. They are also on the path to improving fertility naturally and fulfilling their dreams of parenthood.


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